[hider=Issei Hamada] [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6500000/ichimaru-gin-bleach-anime-6544381-600-600.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Issei Hamada, The Prodigy of the Takeda [b]Nickname:[/b] The Grinning Demon [b]Age:[/b] 19 (Senior) [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 189 lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] Issei is an odd assortment of personality traits. On the surface he gives off an air of being aloof and mysterious, never truly showing real anger or happiness instead keeping an eerie seeming smile. He tends to stand back from a crowd scanning for possible weakness in others, perhaps planning to prevent a tragedy before one starts, but more likely looking to exploit said weakness for his own gain. On the rare occasion that he does actually express the churning sea of emotions inside of him it is usually rather explosive and violent, on either side of the spectrum. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Issei is by definition an endurance fighter. Believing that the fight can be determined through the unveiling of a fighters technique Issei almost always puts up a front as inexperience allowing him to takes a beating before taking his opponents to the ground. [b]Martial Arts:[/b] [i]Daito-Ryu[/i]- Issei's preferred method of combat, is a traditional Japanese sharing similarity to both Jujitsu and Aikido. Where Aikido uses large circles and "gentleness" in its locks and throws Daito-Ryu uses small circles and explosive power to almost rend the affected limb from the body. A typical scene for someone on the receiving end of a Daito-Ryu are several finger shaped bruises all along the forearm. [b]History:[/b] Issei Hamada was born to a lower-middle class family in Tokyo, never needing anything but understanding the value of hard-work. Issei was always a little bit of an outcast, never really picked on or bullied he was never a social butterfly either. At the age of seven he started taking classes in classic karate and through those classes he finally began to thrive both socially and emotionally. Over the next few years Issei began bouncing from school to school in search for the perfect style to fit him finding faults in everything that he attempted to study, until he found a Daito-Ryu school in Tokyo only a few blocks from his childhood home. It is unknown when or why Issei began acting the way he does now but what is known is during his middle school years he began systematically picking fights with people in what appeared to be a challenge system to prove he was the strongest. On his final day of middle school he received his invitation to Shinjuku Academy, something that he accepted gladly. In his sophomore year Issei had already earned a reputation as a powerful fighter. Without throwing a single punch he single handed defeated most of his peerage with little to no effort, it was this that brought him to the attention of the Head of Disciplinary Committee. Issei's arrogance brought him to a face to face challenge with the Club chairman to which he lost astoundingly, in doing so he seemed to lose touch with himself. It wasn't until he began training himself in the spiritual aspects of martial arts that he finally began to regain some sort of control. It took the bulk of remainder of the year, but on the last day of his sophomore year he once again challenged the Disciplinary Head to a rematch. The match was intense with neither fighter backing down and both dealing serious blows in rapid succession, it was a long drawn out battle. After an extended bout it came down to a single mistake but the Disciplinary Head was downed and forced to surrender. Issei had become the Head of the Disciplinary Committee during his sophomore year and has been unbeaten since. [/hider]