[quote=@Mihndar] We just would have to fabricate a claim, it only takes one year after all~ (EU4 jokes galore) In all seriousness, universal human liberation from the chains of capitalist oppression has always been our casus belli. The Revolution is the only moral justification we need. Workers of Scandinavia unite and tear down your government (or we'll do it for you), you have nothing to lose but your chains! Also, branding ourselves warmongers before the eyes of the world is kinda our thing. [/quote] That's all good, but instead of looking outwards, why don't you look inwards, and actually put to use those vast amounts of land you already own, eh? If you are set for war however, you could always just fire upon your own border guard again, then refuse a joint investigation into the matter and declare war... [quote=@Nerevarine] You can always ally with the Celtic League for Capitalist Economic Domination :3c [/quote] The League was actually the first I thought to ally with, should a war begin. Together we can hold naval dominance over the Atlantic! Edit: No-one saw that.