[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Lucifer felt rather ridiculous, doing the whole 'hands on your hips' thing, but from the expression on Katie's face she seemed to like it so he kept it up. The Americans were a strange lot, that much was certain. [color=fff200]"Yup! I'm K![/color]" The girl proclaimed, making a strange shape with her arms. Lucifer took his hands off his hips and righted his head, settling now for taking a single step back. [color=fff200]"A!"[/color] the girl made another weird shape, this one going high like she was making a triangle with her hands Was she signalling? Was this another American greeting? Did all Americans act like this!? [color=fff200]"T!"[/color] This shape consisted of her extending her arms straight out, like an aeroplane. At this point Lucifer got it. She was spelling her name out for him. He chalked it up to another cultural quirk. [color=fff200]"I! E! [b]What's that spell?[/b]" [/color]The girl finished her funny little chant. [color=#A0DA73]"Katie!"[/color] They said together, her joyously and him questioningly. Well, there was no point in asking a question if you were going to answer yourself, the Assassin thought. But the girl herself seemed alright, a bit bouncy and out there, but otherwise a perfectly nice girl. He was reminded in more ways than one of his Mentor's granddaughter and he managed to get along alright with her - that said, he couldn't speak a word of Japanese back then but he could speak American - English? Was that not what they spoke in England? - to this girl, so maybe they might get along [i]better[/i] now he could actually convey an idea instead of making signs like a mime. [color=fff200]"Lucy! We got oh so much to talk about!~ Ooooh! Oooh! What do you wanna talk about!?"[/color] The girl perked up once again, speaking at a hundred miles an hour. Lucifer couldn't help but shrink back, almost cowering but not quite. She was loud and bubbly and a bit ditzy. She could easily cause a lot of damage if she didn't watch herself. It was these puffy balls she had on her hand that he was afraid of. Maybe they contained a poison, or spores of a sort. Whatever it was, he wanted them as far away from him as possible, another planet preferably. [color=fff200]"Oh! Oh! Lucy, have you heard any good rumors or gossip lately!? Or maybe you want to talk about yourself. Or oh, maybe I can talk about myself. Ooooh! OOH!" Or uhm we can like totally talk abo-[/color] She was interrupted by a newcomer appearing on the scene. [color=#a2a8ff]"I presume you two to be Katie and Lucifer. Or do you prefer Lucy?"[/color] The new girl done a curtsey - he wasn't so culture-blind as to not recognise [i]that[/i] - and introduced herself as Alexandra. Alexandra was older than Lucifer and Katie, taller too. Oddly enough, Katie looked more mature than she did, having a larger bust and more... revealing clothing. She was a very purple figure, with dark hair, purple eyes and purple clothes. The only thing that wasn't purple about her was her skin, which was as pale as his own. [color=#2dbdfc]"[i]Na pas sto dialo[/i]"[/color] Lucifer shot the new girl a jovial look as the American did yet more acrobatics. [color=#2dbdfc]"Well, Alexandra, my name is Eo̱sfóros Palaiológos. Lucifer, in American. I'd rather you didn't call me Lu-[/color] [color=fff200][b]"GROUP HUG!"[/b][/color] Katie decreed suddenly, before scooping the both himself and Alexandra into her arms. It was an altogether uncomfortable situation, not least because Lucifer's face only came up to Katie's bust, which she seemed to have overlooked considering it was now all he could see. He didn't like having someone else's arms around him, especially a girl. As his tutors had always taught him, Lust was the first and worst sin - well, it would be pretty damn hard [i]not[/i] to get lustful thoughts when one was tight against two attractive females. Was this what it was going to be like for the rest of the year? Dear God, don't let it be so. [color=#2dbdfc]"Mrmph mmmrpph mmmrrrmph"[/color] Lucifer said, hoping his message wouldn't be lost.