[b]Mill Grayer, Cowfallow Bridge[/b] Mill was still struggling when he heard a voice calling out. He couldn’t hear exactly what the person was saying, but he got the feeling it was supposed to be inspirational. Too bad it was very difficult to inspire a follower of Fala, especially one who was about to be killed by an orc. Fortunately for Mill, another farmhand seemed inspired by the words and struck at the orc with a hoe. Unfortunately for Mill’s would-be savior, the orc seemed more annoyed by the hit and grabbed the man before tossing him into the river. [i]It’s probably safer down there than it is up here[/i], Mill thought as he swung his scythe at the orc. He lodged the blade into the orc’s arm and yanked it to the side, throwing the orc off balance and letting another farmhand finish it off with a pitchfork to the chest. Mill paused for a second, trying to catch his breath as he looked around the bridge. Several orcs were dead, however there were still more and several of the other farmhands had already been killed or wounded. His rest was cut short however, when several more orcs began to come across the bridge towards him. He swung his scythe in a wide arc, trying to stall them. The orcs faltered, but only for a second before they continued their assault. Mill rushed one of them and shoved him back with the handle of his tool, while a few of the others tried to push back the remaining orcs to prevent them from advancing. Mill glanced around looking for someone who could assist them. He saw two men and troll not far away. “Saamir, Horace, Kordo give us a hand!” he called out. However, his momentary distraction was enough for the orc he was fighting to get the upper hand. The large beast head-butted him in face and Mill stumbled backwards clutching his head.