Ken hid a smirk and just nodded. The team was a mix of a few veterans, a few people with some time under their belt, and then some very new blood. He was always interested in the dynamics of the groups, seeing how well they mix and then on his end, adjusting the group to make sure things are cohesive. It wasn’t just about their powers, it was about the case and it was about the individuals. In this case, he selected Skye for two main reasons. First off, and the most obvious, she was an enhancer and he was a mundane. When it came to mundanes, the majority of them were only as useful as their enchanter. There were a few individuals that could hold their own, but most mundane were better suited for office work or scenarios that didn’t involve potentially dangerous supernaturals. The other part is that Ken wanted to see how well Skye did in a role that was less “follow” and more “lead.” It wasn’t much, but it was something and he was eager to see how she performed. After the nod, Darrius moved to the door as he was the closest one, opened it and motioned with his head for the other to come. Stan stood up, cleared his throat and walked in, closing the door behind him. He moved to the table and gave a quick look around the room at the individuals. Some he recognized from what little information he was able to dig up about the team, but his eyes immediately went to and stayed on Christy for a fraction of a second longer than the rest. He rationalized it off as her simply standing out with the black hair, clothes, and red splashed. Red naturally drew the attention, but then again, so did a deeply cut v-neck... He looked and then set his eyes on the man at the table’s end, who he assumed to be the person who was in charge to some degree or the other. They met eyes and finally the other man spoke. “[color=f26522]I’m agent Ken Granderson. I’m the senior agent, I essentially run things at this level. I answer to Chief Givens who is out on official business today. Welcome to the team. Take a moment and introduce yourself as you see fit and we’ll give some nice little introductions also. Agent Humes, go ahead[/color].” Stan only took a brief moment to mull over what to say. He didn’t want to make it long winded, boring, and seem like he was trying to pump himself up, but he didn’t want to leave out anything relevant or make it seem as if he didn’t care. “[b][color=0072bc]Thank you Agent Granderson. I’m sure most of you have either read something on me, or talked about it, or if you haven’t then you don’t really give a shit either way. So, I’m Stan Humes. My last assignment was working narcotics and gang cases in Detroit until I put in for a transfer to here. I worked a lot with tactical also as that area is not the most ideal vacation spot. Originally, I was raised in Missouri, or as I say, Misery. I don’t really plan on going back. Prior to that, I did one enlistment in the Marines[/color][/b],” at this point he looked over to Tom and nodded. Tom nodded back, mentally noting that apparently, Stan had done some homework. “[b][color=0072bc]I did a tour in Iraq and Somalia. Skip to today, I’m extremely happy to be here and plan to be an asset to the team. I enjoy doing this line of work and hope to be here for the long haul.[/color][/b]” He looked around one more time, eyes once again falling to Christy and lingering before looking away. “[b][color=0072bc]I’m very excited to be here and help the team.[/color][/b]” He nodded and looked over to Granderson to indicate he was done, at which point Ken said, “[color=f26522]Agent Mashinski, why don’t you start. Agent Humes, feel free to sit.[/color]” Stan moved to take a seat as Darrius stood. “[b]I’m Darrius Mashinski. I’m born and raised around Indiana, but I... traveled a bit in my time before joining the Agency. Willfully I might add. I am a shapeshifter and can change my characteristics pretty much at will. I also sing karaoke on Fridays.[/b]” He ended with a grandiose bow and sat back down. At that point, Tom stood up and nodded to Stan. “[color=00a651]I am Tom Groves. Semper Fi. Born and raised in Chicago, go White Sox, and did my time in the Corps. Then I started transitioning into various federal jobs, working my way up to here, which to some is considered a promotion I guess[/color],” he said with a sarcastic smirk. “[color=00a651]My power is that I can summon inanimate stuff.[/color]” He held up his empty hand and there was suddenly a coffee mug in it. Just like that, it was gone and in front of Stan, who chuckled. Then there was a pocket PDA in his hand. “[color=00a651]Let’s see who Christy was calling last night.[/color]” “[color=f6989d]Hey asshole, that’s enough![/color]” She actually blushed slightly, but just as quickly, the phone was gone and back in her purse. “[color=00a651]And I can’t sing for shit.[/color]” With that he sat down. Christy got up and gave one last ugly look to Tom before smoothing her clothes out. “[color=f6989d]Hello beautiful. I’m Christy Mareno. Twenty two years old. My powers are those of seduction. I’m able to charm and win over any man, or woman, into doing whatever I want, when I want. No person has ever been able to tel--[/color].” “[b]Seriously?[/b]” “Ken, shut her up.” “[color=00a651]You’re so full of shit Mareno.[/color]” “[color=f6989d]Fuck you guys, you know it’s true. I mean shit, it may not be my ‘power’ but no one has ever told me no. So shit, maybe it IS a power. Anyway. Fiiine.[/color]” She put her hands on her hips and locked eyes with Stan, who was smiling despite his best efforts to keep a straight face. The room was just too was the look in her eyes. “[color=f6989d]I’m an elemental mage. I cast fireballs and lightening traps and shit. I’m also single and looking, so if you--[/color]“ there was another chorus of boos and comments to shut up and she just threw her hands up in a dramatic fashion. “[color=f6989d]Ok ok, shit. I was just going to ask if he had any friends. Anyway. Thanks.[/color]” She said that, winked and sat back down.