Rei suppressed an aggravated sigh as Sayaka began to list off details about herself that was perhaps a little too personal for her liking. Great. Just Great. She didn’t mind staying with Addie since she knew the white-haired girl wouldn’t last long in this place before a panic attack overtook her. But a whole semester with this pervert? Right then, she wanted to put a bullet in the Head Director herself. She was soon brought out of her thoughts when Addie asked about the location of their dorm rooms, to which Sayaka gladly answered. Rei caught onto the mummy’s whisper and clenched her fist, thinking through punching her and eventually resolving to leave it be. This was going to be a long semester, wasn’t it? Muttering to herself, Rei followed behind Addie, expecting Sayaka to follow behind. [color=8493ca]“Can you please stop comparing me to her? Unless you want more bandages to wear? It’s getting annoying,”[/color] Rei said testily to her mummified roommate before calling out to the other one in front of her. [color=8493ca]“Hold on Addie-san, we’re coming with you. Given my sister’s methods of an initiation, I can assume that the rooms are free for grabs. So just pick one.”[/color] Back in the corridors near the auditorium, Donna shrugged indifferently to Mirdori's threats. Knowing her fellow Black Class companions, there was no doubt to her that Izumi had arrived first in their dorm room given how much of a perfectionist she was. If anything came down to it, she could always rely on either of the Kaedes to deal with this try hard right here. [color=f7941d]“Will you be using a giant pair of scissors next time?”[/color] the Hall Monitor joked before blinking out of existence. She reappeared in the nurse’s office, shark grin ever present as she sent a quick message over to Izumi and Kaede. [color=f7941d]“Hey room buddies! I’ll meet you guys in a little bit, kay? Gotta deal with the side job first,”[/color] she said over her communicator before swiftly changing into a makeshift nurse outfit. Everyone who had the lucky chance of becoming an acquaintance of Shark-chan knew that she liked to help around the Academy. That meant she did every odd job she could get sink her teeth into, including, but not limited to, the school Hall Monitor, assistant nurse, and even cafeteria duty. Not that she minded of course, as she loved to mess with the other students. Tipping a nurse’s hat on her head, she grinned with enthusiasm as her first customer popped in. The girl looked like some pre-schooler midget, let alone an assassin in training. Donna waved happily at the girl with the bullet wound, ushering her over to the front desk. [color=f7941d]“Oh ho, and how are you doing today? Man you look like hell. What, got your ass kicked already Shrimp-chan?”[/color] At that moment, another announcement buzzed to life on the intercoms following right after the student roll call and dorm room placements. [hr] [color=9e0b0f][h3][u][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing. That is all.”[/b][/center][/u][/h3][/color] [hr]