Throughout the years here at Hogwarts, this had to have been the toughest one yet; at least from Harry's perspective. The year before he'd taken on the challenges of the Twi-Wizard Tournament, had witnessed the 'rebirth' in a sense of Voldemort, The years before that? It was complete madness, but nothing had ever compared to this year so far. No, not in the slightest. Much had happened thus far, too much for the green-eyed Gryffindor to just walk away from unscathed both physically and emotionally. First was the attack from the Dementors when he was with his cousin Dudley, they'd of been killed if Harry hadn't conjured his patronus so in a sense it was self defense. But with how the hearing went? It sure as hell didn't seem that way, He'd been expelled which was later taken back and he was given the chance to return to his beloved home. Yes, Hogwarts was his home, it was so much better than his home with the Dursleys, any day. But now? After returning to the school to find that Dolores Umbridge was their new defense against the Dark Arts Professor? That was a load of crock, the Ministry sure had their fingers busy with tearing down the school's morals and this sickening menace was their advocate. The two Gryffindor male's walked on either side of Hermione, just the anger radiating off of her was enough to give the shivers to anyone. It would have for Harry if the Gryffindor wasn't already as fuming as she was after their trip to Hagrid's. "I honestly don't think he can, Hermione" spoke Harry as he kept up with her as they headed back for the castle since it was nearly dinner time but after their news? The wizard wasn't even sure he had an appetite to eat anything. He knew Hermione would get on his case if he didn't, but at the moment he wouldn't be able to force anything into his throat, he was far too upset to eat. Before they even reached the castle, something blue racing through the sky caught their attention, Harry instinctively reaching for his wand within seconds of seeing it. Not having to be told to go along the brown haired wizard took off in rapid haste toward the forbidden forest, it wasn't like anything the wizard had seen before. A big blue blur, when was something that royal of a blue hurdling through the sky? Never, not even in the wizarding world, until now of course. The two soon to be joined by Ron, the scaredy cat of the bunch, after a bit of searching through the forest they came upon a big blue police box. Harry immediately raised his wand, holding it at the ready in case something came their way but for now, Hermione spoke for them. Meeting her gaze the wizard looked just as puzzled as she did "Whose in there?" called out Harry to the box with his wand still raised. "It couldn't have flown itself, someone or something has to be in there… but a box? a blue box that reads… police public call box?" slowly his arm began to lower but he kept a firm grip on holly wooden wand just in case. "That's from the muggle era… isn't it?" questioned Harry quite puzzled "What on earth is it doing here?" the Gryffindor looked between his two best friends. After their adventure with the 'living plastics' the Doctor had actually gotten this girl, this Rose Tyler, to accompany him on his travels, his adventures. After the door was shut the Doctor moved about his control panel "How about the five thousand years into the future, eh?" the Doctor gave a grin "It'll be a treat, such a spectacular sight" with a final press of a button the TARDIS was off. Yet to the Doctor's surprise something went wrong, yeah sure things went wrong on occasion, but that was normally due to his driving of the TARDIS but this wasn't even his doing. hearing Rose's words of not doing anything all the Time Lord could do was hold onto control panel and try his best to keep his girl steady and threw up as many shields as he could in case they broke through a time barrier that wasn't meant to be broken into. When the TARDIS finally landed, the Time Lord had been floored to the grated metal panel, literally on the floor as he laid there before hopping to his feet within seconds. "Yeah, never better" he gave a slight crack of his neck before shaking out any discomfort from shocked muscles. As she opened the door, the Doctor moved the monitor of the TARDIS to get a good look at where they were, slowly raising an eyebrow the man reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his black horn rimmed spectacles and slid them up the bridge of his nose. Was he actually reaching it right? Apparently it was correct due to Rose's reaction. "Well.. yes. It's a bit complicated, you see" the Doctor began explaining that J.K Rowling was actually a time traveler and that Harry Potter and the other fictional characters from the books were actually quite real. Yet to his surprise Rose had taken the new quite well. It was a shock to him but in a way he was glad, the more he got see her and her reactions the more he felt that she would truly be the one companion to stay by his side for the rest of his travels. That was until the inevitable happened of course, as they did with all his companions, having them leave one way of another. The most he could do now was hold onto hope, right? After explaining what he could about the TARDIS' odd behavior, it was a rather big shock for the Time Lord as he'd read on the monitor after further inspection that the TARDIS itself had locked onto traces of Time Lord d.n.a. Once he was left alone, leaned against the main console and stared at the screen "… another Time Lord. How in the blazes is that even possible, it can't be, it just can't be. There is no one else left… just me" His hearts were thudding quite rapidly in his chest at the thought. He wasn't sure what to think, what to do. Then again he knew what he had to do but did he want to? He supposed he could take his time with all, be a part of the wizarding era, taking his time in finding the other Time Lord that had been picked up on. A girl had popped her head out twice which was odd enough, Harry could only blink as his mind was overflowing with questions. As Hermione introduced them, Harry gave a smile and a wave and before long they headed with the new girl, Rose, toward the castle. "Be careful, Hermione, Rose. You know how the stairs can be" bidding them safe travels with how the school was, Harry and Ron entered the Great Hall for dinner. Ron had started to dig into his meal like normal, Harry served himself up a plate and a glass of juice, taking his time to eat while keeping a watchful eye on the entrance. It was just in his nature to be that way. When they were joined by the two the green eyed wizard smiled to them both "Welcome to Gryffindor, Rose" he resumed eating then blinked, mid bite of his baked potato that Rose had been staring at him and Ron. Was something wrong? At her question and Ron's answer which didn't seem to be enough Harry was now quite the puzzled wizard. When Hermione called his name the wizard heard her words an gave a nod "yeah sure, no problem" he smiled to his best friend. Back at the TARDIS, the Time Lord had searched for a set of robes to throw over his suit and tie, it wasn't like he was going to change his signature attire just because he landed in a new time era. Heading up into the school he made his way to the Head Master's office, he'd read the books several upon several times he knew everything happened, knew where everything was surprisingly. After showing his credentials from the psychic paper to the Head Master, introducing himself as Derek Logan, and after much discussion the Time Lord was actually given a light position as a substitute for Herbology and a full time for Muggle Studies. Tomorrow would be his first day of his trial teachings. never in his nine hundred years did the Doctor believe he'd be a professor at Hogwarts, never, but it was indeed a very thrilling thought.