[quote=@Happy Go Lucky] Any hopes i could reserve being a celestial spirit wizard? Also, any idea on the maximum number of golden and silver keys my wizard can have in the beginning? Out of curiousity. Edit: im also guessing for spells as a C.S.W il just list my keys, i assume? [/quote] Hello! There hasn't been a celestial spirit wizard yet so yes you can! and I haven't really set a limit, but please keep in mind that the 12 golden keys are VERY RARE! so just it reasonable haha [quote=@Narcotic Dollie] Is this still open? [/quote] It is! But You ([@Narcotic Dollie]), [@Happy Go Lucky], [@malmshodes], and [@Phobos] will be the last people to sign up! Once you guys get up characters and I approve them, we can finally get this show on the road!