[color=dodgerblue][i]First we got dragged down a giant hole, then we got stuck in a twisted frigging alternate reality thing, then we got psychoanalyzed by demented television sets and now a trio of evil slime monsters are trying to murder us. You know I think I'm starting to tired of this crap.[/i][/color] The eldritch creatures slurping and moving about in completely alien ways were definitely not the welcoming committee that any of them had hoped for. Masako looked towards the others watching them raise their own weapons of choice be it baton, bow or fist and followed suit raising the rubberband gun and pointing it down range bracing it with her off hand to steady herself. Yeah she'd shot a toy gun before and her father had taken her shooting out of the country once or twice but she had never shot a live thing, Where these things even alive? Turned out she wouldn't be able to get her answer as[b] something[/b] happened to Kazuo involving blue fire? [color=dodgerblue][i]What in the world was happening.[/i][/color] Moments later whatever just happened as a thing came out of Kazuo or was Kazuo coming out of it? Needless to say Masako was very confused but a bit grateful as whatever just happened or did'nt happen because this worlds air was apparently full of PCP as those creatures where dealt with in an extraordinarily brutal and efficient manner, black slime becoming asseverated in instant flashes that took less than a second. As Dai and Shinku voice their on exclamations Masako chimed in her own looking from Kazuo to where the monsters had fallen and back to Kazuo who seemed normal enough. Though it seemed that Kazuo was more focused on something that was happening behind them at the moment. As if whatever had had just done was perfectly natural and happened all the time, it was actually part of his Monday routine to kill slime shadow things or whatever. [color=dodgerblue]"Well.....Shit."[/color] [indent][b]“Move.”[/b][/indent] It was less of a suggestion from Kazuo but more of a command and Masako was not one to argue with the kid that could do whatever the was. So she moved back as she heard the rest of her classmates began to arise from behind her. She turned to face them once she made some distance and well they looked [i]wrong[/i] in a way. They had the masks upon their face like Kazuo's had materialized but unlike his they did'nt seem to be a cohesive whole they seemed almost forced upon the face, almost constricting the face and the bright yellow eyes loomed into their few still sane classmates and those eyes felt like death itself was looking back at them. That was before they started talking between the hideous crying and shouting, the talking was worse as whatever had taken over their classmates bodies used them like a puppet, the voice the same but off with a slight delay between the words just slight wrong enough to send a shiver down the spine. Soon though they moved towards the group and commenced their attack. [color=dodgerblue][i]"Well this is the last time I take a geography class.."[/i][/color] Masako muttered to herself as she back up a bit more. Luckily at the current moment it seemed that Masako was not any of their classmates intended target at least allowing her to process the situation before things got crazy. She moved to a ranged position where she had a clear firing lane keeping the rubberband gun out and ready to fire as needed. Hopefully though she did'nt need to shoot anybody, I mean they were just rubberbands but she did'nt want to actually hurt any of these people they just seemed hurt and confused not exactly vicious well beside the whole trying to kill them part that is. [color=dodgerblue][i]Come on happy thoughts don't start panicking now Masako you got this.[/i][/color] She tried thinking of a plan in her head but they really did'nt have that many options did they? Running away was out of the picture because they couldn't just leave them here, their probably not going to give up their weapons without a fight, so what the only option was to incapacitate them and hope that they don't suffer permanent damage of some sort? Yeah it seemed all their options kind of sucked but fighting was the only one that could maybe work. So they might as well get the fight over as quickly as possible shouldn't they? To prevent extended injuries? [color=dodgerblue]"Hey transfer student! Do you think you could do whatever you just did before again to try to knock them out? Since I would prefer that we did'nt all get our brains bashed in by the angst brigade! That would just only add to their angst later!"[/color] She explained hoping that Kazuo at least had some sort of plan that was a little more refined than hers.