The faction system has been in place for centuries. At least thats what we're told. The Factions helop keep peace and order and they tell us who we are. Once a year all the 16 year olds in the city choose one of the five factions to go into based on their aptitude test results. - Amity: At peace when people are getting along. basically a bunch of peacefull farmers at their core. Always seem to be seen in Reds and Yellows - Abmegation: Always outwardfacing Selfless and kind. Seen only in greys - Candor: Honest to a fault, Human Lie Detectors and honest to got rude thought they don't mean to be. Seen in black and white - Dauntless: Soldiers, Brave, Insane train jumping people often seen in Black...lots of black - Erudite: Knowledge seeking, vain and immensly obsessive. Seen wearing blue of lab coats Most of us don't know what test result we wil get but who cares right? The test will tell us what to choose. Only problem is that in everything we do in life....One Choice can Transform you, One choice can Destroy you, or One choice can Define you... So I just finished the third book in the Divergent series and I thought making an RP set in that world well before Tris Prior or Tobias Eaton were ever even thought of let alont there parents Sort of a day in the life kind of thing featuring us all going through the Initiation of our chosen Faction.