Donning shadowy masks, the students who had succumbed to their memories rose up and confronted Kazuo, Dai, Shinku, and Masako. Saito and Ito attacked Shinku but she managed to block the first attack and evade the second. Dai was attacked by the masked Haruto but also succeeded in avoiding the attack. Fortunately, Masako got out of harm's way before she could've been attacked by any one of her masked classmates. That left Johnathan, Minto, and Gruffydd. Minto has yet to make a violent move on the others but Johnathan fired a bolt at Kazuo, missing on purpose, all while confronting him about the memories he witnessed. Kazuo kept quiet; he knew he wasn't dealing with the real Johnathan, at least not mindset-wise anyways. Johnathan's second bolt was aimed to actually hurt Kazuo but the latter swatted away with his baton. Upon impact however, the bolt dissipated into TV static just like the glass shards from before - something to take note of. But Kazuo didn't have time to rest as Gruffydd accused him of being an invader of this world and attacked him with his shovel. Reacting quickly, Kazuo jumped back and avoided the attack completely; regrouping with his classmates who are in control of their minds and bodies. Shinku was primed for a fight while Dai still attempted to talk his masked classmate, Haruto, out of a fight. But it's no use. Kazuo is the anyone at the moment who can sense what is really happening. Masako then suggested to Kazuo that he used his powers from before to incapacitate the masked students lest they risk getting killed. "I plan to but..." Kazuo explained that their classmates' minds and bodies have been taken over by a presence similar to the monsters that he had killed and even with his new power - which he told them is called "Persona" - he alone won't be able to take on all of them. He needs their help in this fight too. Kazuo added that he isn't sure if defeating their classmates would return them to normal but they had to try. Kazuo placed his left hand on his face. "Persona!" Once again, the rabbit mask enveloped Kazuo's face and Sigurd appeared above him. The blade of his sword grew bright orange and, as he swung forward, a fireball (Agi) was released and made its way to Gruffydd who was the closest target. The fireball made impact with the ground just a few feet away from Gruffydd and exploded; the force of the explosion managed to hit its target (27 Fire damage). [hr] [b][u]Kazuo[/u][/b] HP: 84 / 84 HP SP: 32 / 36 SP