[h3]Johnathan's mind[/h3] The longer he whailed, the more he heard a voice laugh out at him. Quickly raising his head fearfully he looked up to see his Shadow self, sitting upon an overly massive throne, the sparrow mask on his face and its body coated in dark ominous flames. The shadow grinned and wept as well, before he spoke with a sarcastic, mocking tone. [color=a0410d]"Don't you wish you could be here, me?! We should be the ones who are perfect! But since that was striken from us... We should just die shouldn't we? Isn't that what you want? You don't have to hurt anyone else by being their friend, and you simply want to be the best! To rule over everyone and not be a nobody! You're unable to obtain that though, we both know that! We both know you're just a weak willed, weak minded, weak bodied little kid who gurns and cries and depends on everyone for ANYTHING! you're a loser! A wimp! A moron! Just another toy for everyone! Admit it~"[/color] Johnathan wiped his eyes and sat on his knees, looking up at his shadow self. He never denied who he was, and in all honesty... He always knew he was weak and dependent on others. It's true he wanted to give himself to people, but only because he didn't want to be alone, didn't want to be left behind. He can't live without others. He knew this. Johnathan spoke up, crying as he spoke, unable to look away from his shadow counterpart. [color=0072bc]"You're right... I am. I'm just a user who uses other people for my own personal gain... I'm too weak to do anything myself. I need others to do things for me or i'd die. You're right. I should die, and i'm too much of a coward to kill myself because I fear death, so I stick around, using others, while unable to give anything in return. So my reality is realised. I want to give up my life to make sure... That... That I don't hurt anyone else... and so i won't be used like a tool a- anymore... I'm a horrible person!" [/color] [h3] [color=a0410d]SHADOW JOHNATHAN[/color] [/H3] The others who were not possessed by their shadows were able to hear the words of the real johnathan speak out from the shadows own mouth. Surprised by this, the shadow screamed in agony, and held its head with fear and guilt, squeeling in terror at the voice. Perhaps if the others talked to the shadow, Johnathan inside might be able to hear them. The shadow yelled. [color=a0410d]"SHUT UP... NONE OF THESE ASSHOLES CARE ABOUT YOU! THEY WANT YOU TO DIE, THEY WANT TO USE YOU! They want to deflower you... JUST LIKE HE DID! THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU!"[/color] With that, Raising his crossbow up again, Shadow Johnathan shot a bolt for Kazuo once more. *Roll = 10* The bolt managed to hit him and evaporate into static, dealing a damage total of 20 points to Kazuo[@Blu] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u][i]Shadow Johnathan:[/i][/u][/b] HP: 40/40