Name: Olivia King Age: 19 Power: Shadow Blending (can become literally a shadown) Appearance:[hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Bio: Olivia or Liv grew up in canada. her mother and father were normal average joes, they had normal average jobs and lived normal average lives. however for some reason Liv didnt, all the way through highschool she was bullied to a point where she was actually jumped and stabbed on her way back from school. after recovering in hospital for several months, she plotted her revenge. she finally came up with an idea and when she returned to school she put her plan into action. after the bell went she went out to the street and pushed one of the boys who had jumped her infront of a car, but instead he disappeared. she looked confused, what had happened to the boy. just then a black and shadowed portal opened behind her, the boy stumbled out confused. before he could react Olivia punched him in the face. he went down, but now she knew that she couldnt stay at school incase that boy decided to tell the cops, or worse attack her again. when she got home she told her parents they were surprised, but they understood what they had to do. they enrolled her in a school for HER kind