[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Release could not have come sooner. When he was at last let out of the American's ridiculously powerful clinch, Lucifer stood back, taking deep breaths to recover from the terrifying ordeal. Death by bosom - not something he wanted written on his gravestone. He put a hand against the wall to steady himself, before looking up to meet Katie's gaze. Here he was, at a school literally full of assassin's, some well trained like himself, some back alley skulkers with no morals or scrupulations, and yet it was [i]this[/i] happy-go-lucky American whom he was most afraid of. If this was what she was like when she was happy, he prayed he never got on the wrong side of her. [color=#2dbdfc]"K-Katie? Please don't do that again. It's not... [i]appropriate[/i] for us to be so close."[/color] he said weakly, his cheeks reddening slightly. To the Westerners, a hug was a common greeting amongst friends and a sign of admiration and trust. But to him, a hug was only to be performed between very close friends or relatives. He didn't know Katie well enough to be happy with her hugging him and it was especially inappropriate considering they were of opposite genders. It wasn't her fault, of course, so he wasn't going to get upset with her but at the same time he couldn't muster up the courage to tell her face-to-face in case she took it the wrong way. She invited him to talk and he found himself oddly tongue-tied. He didn't want to come of as being snobbish but he didn't exactly want to be called Lucy for the rest of the year. Anyway, Lucifer was a nice name with a nice meaning. [color=#2dbdfc]"Oh, yes. I was just saying that I prefer Lucifer to Lucy. Lucy sounds a bit - what is the American word for it? E-fem-i-nat? And most people just call me Lucifer anyway."[/color] Alexandra had warned them that they would have to choose a room, which seemed to get Katie excited. Was there anything that could bring this girl down? Alexandra, at least, seemed more like him - calm and rational with little care for physical contact. He could imagine getting along with her quite well. He too glanced up and down the hallway, pondering which room to select when a thought came into his head. [color=#2dbdfc]"Wait. Will we be in the same room together? As in, getting changed in front of each other, sharing a shower, sleeping in the same beds?"[/color] Forget just hugging, [i]that[/i] was extremely inappropriate! How could the school even remotely consider putting a male in with the females? Did they have no modesty? No shame? Who knew what could happen!? [color=#2dbdfc]"There will be separate beds, yes? And we did all bring pyjamas? How will we change clothing without seeing each other? What if the locks on the bathroom door doesn't work, or one of us doesn't have a towel or... or..."[/color] His voice got more and more panicked as he spoke. It was unthinkable that they should have to stay in the same room together. Why was the school doing this to him? What had he done to deserve this punishment?