[h1]Razor[/h1] Razor only gave a nod to Akane as she left, though Skull couldn't help but snicker at Andreas. "I doubt anything will be going on to disturb razor if that's how you plan to flirt with people. Ever hear the phrase, 'Don't mix business with pleasure'? It exist for a reason you dumbass!" The skull continued to have a nice hearty laugh at the fairy boy's expense, while Razor simply went about his business. [h1]Ian Blackwood[/h1] "Hmph, you guys are no fun," Ian said as he simply laid down on his back, looking somewhat dissappointed in his kindreds lack of adventure and self-confidence. "Corrie, do I look like I ever had a formal teacher in magic? I learned my magic by using it every chance I got, mostly to get revenge on stupid light elf pricks who thought they were better than me. Hehehe, those were the days." A smile crossed Ian's face, one that wasn't so nice, before he picked himself back up again, looking at the other two. "Just because you don't think you can do something, doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try? If not for yourself, do it to show all those tight ass naysayers that you at least had the courage an tenacity to try to make it, no matter what your background is or how skilled you are. Never give up without trying, either of you, or else I'll just have to pay you a visit in your dreams to night." His eyes shifted into their demonic state as he gave them another grin, this one being more mischievious and light-hearted, though his eyes till made it somewhat intimidating. Turning his attention to the slime that entered the group to munch on a flower. "No problem of mine what you do, as long as you don't make me your next meal."