[Center]Name: Nathan Young Age: 19 Power: Invisibility Appearance: [img] http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mb8cfc89890729ef6fb9a19a83aa0d539H0&pid=1.1[/img] Bio: Nathan had an easy life with a loving family, until his mother died of a heart attack while driving. After this happened, his father took up drinking, lost his job as a taxi driver and gambled. He came home late at night and tend to beat Nathan and his twin sister Rachael. Nathan was always quiet and tried to hide his bruises from teachers and other students. Not realizing he was changing eventually, his father stopped drinking and they were a family again and on the night of his father's birthday, Nathan's sister was shot in the back by a thug. Bringing grief upon the Young family. And it seemed as if the drinking problems came back to haunt thier father, yet he didn't seem to beat his children but he lost his job again working in a biscuit factory. 9 months after Nathan's sister's accident his father choked on his vomit killing him in his sleep. Forcing Nathan and Rachael to move into their Aunties house who lived 12 doors down from their original home.[/center]