[quote]--------- The room that Luke entered was, understandably, much tidier than the mine he had been in just minutes ago. Adorned left and right with various trophies of all sorts, the foreman's room felt like a more rustic version of a CEO's office. Well, one with beast heads mounted left and right, at least. The foreman himself seemed to exude an air of danger around him, and the pair of axes mounted on the wall seemed to only exaggerate that fact. Though his height was about the same as those guards from earlier, the marginally fancier attire and well-maintained beard put on a facade of dignity usually not associated with dwarves. The desk the foreman sat at was, of course, lined with gold, so as to flaunt his wealth. In a way, it was quite stereotypical. "Hrm. So you're the human that dropped into the mines, right?" the foreman asked, his brown eyes carefully running over Luke as he himself stroked his beard. "Well, at the very least, you seem to have some manners. State your business here. I'm pretty sure there were no human settlements in the region, so your arrival is quite strange." [@SadCubone] [/quote] [color=f7941d]"Well I was just wondering through the fields above when I suddenly fell through a trap hole in the ground"[/color] Luke slightly chuckled. [color=f7941d]"Felt like a damn animal all tangled and clueless when I landed, anyway look I don't wanna start anything or cause any trouble I just wanna figure out how to get home."[/color] Now that was the god honest truth, Luke already messed up with people he didn't know by trying to do something he thought was his best. Luke felt like if he worded it right the foreman could help him and hell even become an Allie. He just focused on not pissing the man with a lot of power off. [@PKMNB0Y]