[h3]?????[/h3] It felt like hours passing by wondering around on that garden forest following his dad voice. Each turn and twist was almost endless until he stopped at a certain area. There was a long table like pedestal, it was like in snow white in away as he read in this fairy tail books before. Though…there was someone lying on it though he can’t see who, the person was covered in a white sheet, Bride got scared….he heard his dad voice though and it lead him there but he was not there…his dad was gone. He closed his eyes and as soon as he wanted to head back he heard a voice. [color=a0410d]“Hey…dont you want to know?”[/color] Bride turned quickly around to see….himself yet with a butterfly mask and those golden scary eyes. [color=8dc73f]“...h-ho…”[/color] It was obvious Bride was scared, terrified even he was looking at himself who was sitting on the pedestal crossed legs with a small smile on his face….was this him? A mirror? [color=a0410d]“Shut up whelp I am no mirror! Well do you want to know!?”[/color] The masked Bride shouted at him, he flinched back scared of the sudden shouting. Who is this person anyway!? …know what? What does he want to know…. There was nothing- [color=a0410d]“You little weed don’t you want to know why daddy dear put us in that school anyway? He kicked you out and never wanted to see your pretty little face again?”[/color] his dad…His dad told him he would be moving to a new school, he didn’t want to look at him anymore…his dad never told him why though why he wanted get rid of him, his dad was a good man, he was his mom prince and they were happy together they were all happy. he was a good kid…he didn’t do anything maybe.[color=a0410d] “Daddy was a good man….fuck that…Anything wrong? Oh dear you did not do anything wrong…. intentionally…Imagine this, most guys would be wrapped up with your tiny finger….tease them without even knowing…do you get the idea why your dad kicked you out now?” [/color] [color=8dc73f]“What…w-h-whta are you talking ab-about?[/color]” Bride was scared beyond all things, who was this person, this…this wasn’t him! His dad was a good man! He knows it, he is really nice and took care of all of them, he had nothing but happy memories with him there…was no reason why….why would his dad would force him into a school… slowly the garden slowly warped, the pedestal the masked Bride was sitting slowly turned into a bed and then…it was his bedroom before. He knows that room yet…there was something he unexpected. A younger version of himself sleeping peacefully and beside sitting beside the younger version was the masked Bride slowly pulling away any hairs form his younger version sleeping face. [color=8dc73f]"Huh…w-hwat…”[/color] [color=a0410d]“You repressed this memory so much…it’s the worst one…then those hospital treatments…surgeries…you know that, you kept it blocked out so you can live your fairy tale life…you don’t remember it but I do so clearly…”[/color] The masked Bride began to cry underneath the mask then a loud bang appeared. Bride turned in terror though it was relief for a second. It was his dad yet…his shirt was messed up, he looked tired and that smell… alcohol… that strong smell he also hated. He covered his nose, as the scent was awful much worst than before like…he knew it. Then it happened…it was like a nightmare and Bride stood there watching everything happen right in front of him. [color=8dc73f]“Dad…”[/color] almost the same time as he said that his younger self got up from bed clearly sleepy looking at his dad. [color=9e0b0f]“Shut up, keep your mouth shut…”[/color] His dad hissed almost like it was for him but it was clearly for his younger version. His dad got on the bed and unbuckled his belt…. No this can’t be happening, he doesn’t remember this at all, this was a lie he… knows it’s a lie this never happened! As Bride was about to run away, fearing what else he can see the Masked Bride grabbed his arm and made him watch everything every little detail and made sure he didn’t blink at all. [color=8dc73f]“No…nono…no…p-please…t..th…”[/color] Tears flow done his face as he saw it, he saw everything… the pounding, the tearing…the begging everything and he couldn’t run away form it at all. His dad can’t be doing this he just cant… [hider=Warning I guess o-o] [color=8dc73f]“D-a-“[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“Shut up! I told you to shut up you…” [/color] [color=8dc73f]“Pl-plea…se….da…dd…y….no…m-mor…e….pl-”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“Quiet you whore, you are such bitch….don’t cry like that….pathetic…. surprised no one has done this to you yet….”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“N-no…n-no…m-mo…r..re…p-ple..ea…se….Da…dad-dy…i…it..hu-hur…ts…”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]“You know what else what hurt you know what!? Fucking looking at you everyday and not having my way to get with you! [/color] ...this was all a lie, his dad…his dad never done that to him…his dad was a good guy like in the fairy tale books… this wasn’t his dad, it wasn’t… [color=8dc73f]“n…n-no this…i-is…n-no….”[/color] [/hider] [color=a0410d]“Dad came home one day drunk, he came into our room and shouted at us to keep quiet, it was painful absolutely painful and horrible, he shouted more, stuffed his tie in our mouths to make sure we don’t scream, the blood, that awful smell of alcohol….yet at the end you forgot it….like it was nothing. You woke up the next morning with a smile like nothing has happened…you forgot about it…you escaped it. Dad was terrified, he didn’t know what he was doing, he was scared…pathetic to deal with it obviously so you know what he did right…sent of to school so he wont have to see your face again, to not deal with damage goods…you know that right? That why…it so easy to throw you away because you forget about it…”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“…n-no…no…no….n-no…th…th-this…I d-don…t …remember…. An-anyth…ing…th-tis..is a…n-night…ma-mare….d-dad….ne…never done something….ing like t-this bef-fore…you a-are lying…l-ying…l-liar…l-lia…r…” [/color] Then the scene repeated over and over again right in front of his eyes. [h3]Mask[/h3] [color=a0410d]“You want your fairy tale to come true that why you forget, you forget and forget to live out that stupid dream you have of finding prince charming but that would never you know! Once people knew they leave like before, dump you easily because you. Maybe if you were born as a girl…maybe things would be easy but no…born as a little boy with a innocent face fooling everyone on sights just like that.” [/color] The masked Bride told Bride who was still trapped in that fucked up world in his head, typical…always wanted to live out that fairytale yet it was impossible. Fairytales aren’t real at all it was bunch of made up lies. The show sighed as he wiped away some of his tears and with the rake headed towards the unmasked classmates. Then suddenly bashing the rake at Masako successfully with n remorse yet the masked bride seemed sad like he wanted to give, there was no way for himself to accept that truth anyway….he going to be trap there forever and ever….. Roll=5 Bride struck Masako with the rake at her side causing 15 damage on her. Hp= 35/35 Sp= 85/85