HP:[color=ed1c24]40[/color] SP:[color=00aeef]80[/color] [hr] Her first swing a miss, Yamada quickly took the chance to grab her, trying to rip off the masque glowing a fierce purple. Natsuki would have retaliated by smashing an elbow to her side, but Yamada mentioning her first name stopped her dead in her tracks, allowing Yamada to release her unscathed. The moment she was free from Yamada's grasp however, she quickly moved away, outside of Yamada's reach, but still well inside her range, utilizing her longer limbs and weapons to her advantage. Giving a side glance at Saito, she moved suddenly to the side, thrusting the stick swiftly towards Yamada's torso. Should Saito move to attack as well, Yamada would be facing a two way attack. [color=a2d39c] [center]~Center of the mind~[/center][/color] Dry leaves crackled incessantly as she ran through the autumn forest. Her lungs was burning, and her legs was starting to feel as if red hot barbed wires was running through it. [color=fff79a]"Nacchan~ I liked you soooo much~ Do you like me too~?"[/color] The voice echoed through the trees, ephemeral and dissonant. Natsuki stumbled, falling face first into a pile of leaves. [color=fff79a]"Ah.. I just cleaned that up too."[/color] Startled, she looked up, only to find herself back at the shrine, with Tsubaki grinning at her with a broomstick in hand. Her red and white shrine maiden outfit was starting to grow more red, blood gushing out from a large wound in her chest, slowly soaking into her white haori. A huge gust of wind suddenly blew a torrent of dry leaves into Natsuki's eyes, obscuring her vision. When she could see again, Tsubaki was nowhere to be seen, and the shrine was in ruins. The radio came on suddenly, as a familiar voice started singing a familiar song, though distorted and filled with static. [i]usagi oishi ka no yama ko-buna tsurishi ka no kawa yume wa ima mo megurite wasure-gataki furusato [/i] The song mocked her as she sprinted down the steps, never seeming to fade away regardless of how far she ran.