Donny moved briskly and quietly. He spotted a few soldiers, but he didn't engaged them and waited for them to pass unnoticed. He could see signs of combat with burn marks and blood splatter dotting the halls and floor. Assuming that he and his crew were the only humans here (Unlikely since he did notice some humans he didn't recognized in the video) he figured his team had gone this direction. His thoughts lingered on nothing but getting to his team: He couldn't afford to think what had happened to Alexander. What could have easily have happened to him. [b]"Feathers this is Dong, over. I'm en route to your positions. Location?"[/b] In a quiet voice that told Donny that they were trying to hide. "We have taken two rooms, a storage closet and what appears to be a service entrance. Meet with us for more intel. Over." Donny nodded his head despite being alone and continued onwards. He knew he was heading in the right direction when there were less splatter and marks to guide potential enemies to their location. Even if it was away from the airdocks, it would be better to bunker somewhere where they wouldn't find them rather then get too close to their objective and compromise their safety. Donny still held his weapon ready, in the event that he meets up with unexpected enemies but careful not to accidentally shoot his ally. Soon he found the location of his allies and made his presence known over the radio. They had locked the doors, a smart move, hopefully none of the enemies would think to search them or blow the doors up. [b]"Feathers this is Dong, I'm outside your location."[/b] The door opened and Donny quickly moved inside. There he saw Seraph, Yoaso, and Eleanore sitting near the wall. And despite being a civvie, Eleanore had a pistol in her hands. [b]"What's the situation?"[/b] Nodding her head Seraph brought up her Omnitool, creating a 3d layout of the airdocks. "There are approximately 30 enemy personnel guarding the airdocks. 10 turian, 10 vorchas, 4 krogans, six human and/or asari. Most of the turians are posted near the ships and the vorchas are patrolling the area. Three krogan in the bay area, one near the entrance, another that leads the vorchas, one that is with the turians and another operating the terminal to override the locks. The rest patrol in and out of the docking bay. Our ship, fortunately, is still operational and has not been compromised. We also noticed two Interceptor class starships, both of Alliance make. There are other ships located around the airdocks that will not be obstructions to out escape, but may provide cover for us and the enemy." Seraph looked at Donny. There was a certain sadness in her eyes, one that Donny had. Neither had expected or wanted any of this to happen. taking a deep breath she told him their plan. "Before... Before Tristan and Henriette captured, they were trying to disable the locks leading out of the docks. Even if we get to our ship we can't get out without overriding those locks. Currently they are being controlled through this console, however they also knew that any command prompt could be overwritten through the master control. We need someone to hack that console long enough to get us out of there. If possible, we could try to get someone capable to pilot those interceptors as well. If not, we need to disable them to ensure that they aren't used against us. But..." Looking away from each other they knew what the issue was. Between all of them, they had the firepower to take on the twenty guards if they fought tactically and used the element of surprise. With time they could even fortify the docks and hold their position until they could get out some sort of distress signal. And they'd need it, because none of them knew how to bypass the system keeping them stuck there. Aman had some expertise on sabotaging machines and vehicles, however that was mostly useful against synthetic enemies. And they weren't certain how useful destroying the console was going to be. [b]"I... We should wait. There's.... There's others who may be able to help. Maybe. I've already informed you of the turians who came with me. What about the one who came with you? Uh... Ruvea?"[/b] "He was injured, but alive. Got shot in the leg after they took Steak. Tofu was looking over the wound, making sure he's ready to fight if the need arises." Tofu was Yoaso code name, biotic and designated medic. Good to know he made it out alive. The tension was high but this was the only option they had. Short of the alliance flying by to rescue them, they didn't know what else they could do. [b]"The others... Should be arriving soon. Oh! We have a geth with us, he managed to shut down the locks keeping the ship in. We just need to get to the ship now, fly out of here. Makes things simpler for us. I'll stand watch and look out for them. Once they're here we can fill them in on what's going on. Sound good?"[/b] Seraph nodded her head and set Donny on their way. It was a bit funny now that he thought about it. Seraph was hardly the most intimidating member of the crew, but assuming she simply wasn't relying information to him perhaps she has stepped up for the role of leadership. She at least seemed like the type who could think on her feet better then Donny could. He returned to the hall, careful to remain hidden, while waiting and watching for the others. He honestly didn't expect any of them to show up. He'd give them about ten minutes. If no one shows up before ten minutes he'll assume they aren't coming, and tell everyone else they're dead.