Xu was on a walk admiring the school. He always like it here, the scenery had a calming affect that seemed to work on all the fired up souls that came here to fight. He was walking up to a tree when he heard the announcement. This school always had a formal way of doing things before the craziness started and this year, Xu refused not to get on it. He was a very quiet freshman last year who did not say much, kept to him self and only every fought when necessary. But now it was time for some changes, friends would be made and rivals would be found this year. Xu needed to make the most out of his time here and being a loner won't help at all. With that thought he started his way over to the auditorium. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Christina had been standing there for a while checking her phone, waiting for the time to finally come when the bells would ring and hell's gates would open. When they did Huang had this look of pain and displeasure on his face. He turned and started to address the room starting with her [i]"Christy-kun, have you prepared a speech for this ceremony?"[/i] [color=bc8dbf]"Yes, I wrote it just to you specifications."[/color] She said this to him with a chuckle to the annoyed look on his face. She did not consider them friends, only because she could never tell have the time, but Christina had a great respect for Huang. She was here when he took down the old student president. She did not care why he did it but it had shocked her along with the rest, and was one of the only reasons she challenged the old VP. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh and try to be nice, they are only freshmen, you always give them that "look". Just try to crack a smile."[/color] She said as she handed him the speech.