"Yeah yeah. Must be an immigrant or something. Rooms are pretty much all the same by the way. I dunno why you're looking through all of them, there isn't going to be a special prize in one of them." Or at least, that's how Adam remembered it was last year. There was nothing really special about the rooms, they looked like any other dorm you'd walk in, despite being a school that specialized in assassination. He chose a dorm room closest to the exit to throw his suitcase into. Adam wasn't going to wait for his dorm mate to take his sweet ass time playing musical doors. If the other dorm mate ever came, Adam sure hoped he or she would be more fun than this self proclaimed Englander. [hr] [color=9e0b0f][h3][u][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. There will be an early lunch today. Lunch begins promptly in thirty minutes, regardless of what you are doing. That is all.”[/b][/center][/u][/h3][/color] [hr] Huh. Adam didn't remember this. He had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't just that the school was worried if they were eating or not, and more something to do with an announcement, or perhaps an impromptu melee at the eating facilities. That was always a fun activity to partake in. Finding a key inside the dorm, he locked his newly found dorm room and began to walk towards the cafeteria. Couldn't hurt to be a bit early rather than a bit late.