The group did not wait long after Donny left to take action. Once they were agreed, they set out towards the airlocks along the path Avatar had specified. With most of the security doors in the area locked down, any pursuers would be slowed sufficiently to prevent them from interfering before they could reach the airlocks. As there was little risk of being flanked, the diplomats followed their guards from behind, though their pace was somewhat slowed. The female Turian diplomat could walk, but with her leg injury, only with support, which the male diplomat offered. She was now breathing, but it was strained. If she could not reach a proper medical facility, her life could still be in danger from her wounds. As Avatar had observed through the cameras, there was evidence that there had been fighting in some of the hallways they passed through, but currently, the only enemy force in this section of the station was in the airlocks. However, they would be facing a large enemy force of 29 hostiles consisting both of local militia, and the Asari’s soldiers, based on the camera recordings Avatar was reviewing as they moved along. Even once they rejoined with the Human forces, they would be considerably outnumbered. Avatar led the way, as it had saw the location where the Humans were hiding. They had locked the door to the room, so to avoid startling them, Avatar spoke through the radio channel that Donny was still connected to. “Allied forces are outside the door, alert Human forces to our presence.” It warned, waiting for Donny’s response before proceeding inside.