Mordecai Igins stood in front of Shinjuku Academy, adorned in his new schools uniform and his large travel bag under his right arm "...This is Shinjuku Academy, huh." his emotionless expression he always wore at present. his blue blue swayed in the wind as he gently took the first steps into the the academy, where for the 3 couple of year he would hone his Martial arts skills and hopefully pick up new styles of fighting along the way. He was the other freshmen along the way, but didn't bother to speak to them for even acknowledge them. The Kuudere wandered into the academy without making any contact with anyone. Mainly for the reason. He didn't know how to speak Japanese, anyone that would try to speak to him would only get a blank stare at them. Of course his mother, being full Japanese had given him a notebook on how to behave in the land of the rising sun, along with a few sentences. in his other free hand was a note to all students to meet in the hall for the opening ceremony. "That should be easy, first find the directory and then make my way there." he muttered. The blue haired boy causally made his way inside before seeing a large board with various building shapes and legends..trouble was. It was all in Japaneses. "For the love of god..." he placed his head against the board as cursed. as he looked up again he saw a small start on top of a building. "I'll take me chances and head there." As he was talking to himself he hear various yelling to his right. he spotted a girl running from other students. "......" shrugging to himself he went the opposite way. He would try to avoid as much contact as possible.