Shinku: HP: 90/90 SP 30/30 ________________________________ Shinku took a blow from Natsuki. Not specifically powerful, though there was a problem if Saito decided to come and fight at the same time. She could probably easily remove Ito from the fight. . . But this was still her, albeit not in her right mind. The girl never seemed to be very sturdy in the first place, she probably couldn't take much. Saito Keiichi on the other hand. . . He could be a threat in this fight. That pipe looks painful. "I know it's not good to beat up your friends, but this is a certain case right?" Shinku said to Ito and Saito. "Not exactly what I want to do." Then she rushed to Saito and socked him well in the face. (24 Strike) "You're a man right, you can take a hit can't ya?" ________________________________ HP: 75/90 SP: 30/30