[center][h3][color=E3DAC9][b]Anna Sun[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=gray] The slow and steady procession of time marched along, leaving Anna lost in its wake. A painwracked fog engulfed Anna's mind. It greedily kept her from the sleep her body cried for and kept her trapped in a half-lucid coma. Every now and again she could her voices, but could remember nothing distinct. The sluggish egress from her drug-induced prison was agonizing, but eventually she escaped. She awoke briefly to the thud of her body hitting what felt like a firm cushion. She was in motion, but not under her own power. A tight pressure against the skin of her waist, wrist and ankles told her she was bound--not that she could really lift a finger anyway. Panic began to well inside her as she groggily attempted to open her eyes. The feeling was quickly defeated by the rush of cool liquid flooding in her veins. Sleep finally took her. [center][i]--Sometime Later[/i][/center] Anna awoke at last to an unfamiliar ceiling and the muffled sound of... electronica music? She tried to sit up, but quickly realized her body wouldn't respond. Acts of sheer willpower proved equally pointless. She tried to speak, but only a weak cry came out. Looking around, she noticed the walls appeared old and stained with grime, despite the sterile hospital scent filling her nose and the wash of fluorescent white lights. The music very suddenly drew much closer. A man of mixed Asian heritage stood over her. White wires draped down from his ears and joined together before disappearing into the pocket of his lab coat. Her studied her with a cursory glance and then picked up an IV bag from nearby tray. [color=99afc7][b]"Hi!"[/b][/color] He said loudly, but cheerfully, likely trying to speak over the sound of his music. [color=99afc7][b]"Have you ever seen a psychiatrist or taken psychedelic drugs? Blink once for yes, twice for no."[/b][/color] Anna's eyes widened. She struggled to move. [color=99afc7][b]"Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Don't freak out!"[/b][/color] He threw his hands up, trying to be unthreatening. [color=99afc7][b]"You've got a lot of narcosynthetics in your system to fast-track the testing process. So make yourself comfortable before you permanently lose motor function in your arms and legs! Just... [i]chill[/i]."[/b][/color] He didn't seem to want to hurt her from his tone, but everything he said terrified her. He pulled a long, thin needles from neck. She didn't feel it. She didn't even know it was there. Was that an [i]acupuncture[/i] needle? What the hell was going on? He pulled out two more. He held up one of the needles and gestured to it. [color=99afc7][b]"Is good for chi flow!"[/b][/color] He said with squinted eyes and the most phony chinese accent he could manage. [color=99afc7][b]"Ha, ha! Nah, I'm just fucking with you. I'm a researcher, an [i]experimental[/i] researcher"[/b][/color] He waggled his eyebrows at that last part. If Anna wasn't so confused and scared, she probably would've laughed at how weird this guy was. Another voice, deep and gravelly, echoed through the chamber. [color=ae7318][b]"Geer, you're not getting extra pay for fraternizing with the lab rats. Finish the procedure and move on to the next one. We have a deadline."[/b][/color] Hurriedly, he stepped away, shuffled a bit before responding. [i]Click. Buzz.[/i] [color=99afc7][b]"Yes sir, I'm working on it now."[/b][/color] He turned back to Anna, shaking his head sarcastically. [color=99afc7][b]"Management..."[/b][/color] He said with shrug. [color=ae7318][b]"Ahem! Still here."[/b][/color] The voice boomed. [color=99afc7][b]"Shit! Knew that. He-he..."[/b][/color] [i]Click.[/i] With the intercom off, he turned again to Anna [color=99afc7][b]"Anyway, moving on!"[/b][/color] He took picked up a massive syringe from a nearby table. The large gauge needle she was positive was [i]not[/i] for acupuncture. He presented it to her cheerfully. [color=99afc7][b]"So today we're going to provoke your metahuman potential. But first! I'm going to extract some bone marrow for samples."[/b][/color] He paused. [color=99afc7][b]"You don't mind do you? I promise it's for a good cause~"[/b][/color] Anna wanted to scream, but still only a pathetic wheeze came out. [color=99afc7][b]"Fantastic! That's what I wanted to hear. Now let's get started."[/b][/color] Anna wasn't sure if he was just screwing with her or genuinely didn't recognize her fearful expression. Nonetheless his self-confidence and casual disregard firmly cemented Anna's belief that this guy was a lunatic. [color=99afc7][b]"Don't worry, I have very steady hands!"[/b][/color] Obviously, this was not as reassuring as Geer made it sound. The doc bobbed his head and hummed to the music blaring in his ears while he worked. Anna just cried. [/color]