The walk to the auditorium was pretty uneventful, yet the weather was beautiful nonetheless. He just loved the trees all around the campus. IT definitely made his daily runs at 4:30 a.m. much more calming in a way. For most of the students, this was much too early as classes didn't start until much later, but his morning roadwork sessions were vital to making sure his cardio was in peak condition come fight day. As Tetsu neared the auditorium he started to hear a bit of noise coming from another direction. He didn't give it a second thought at first as this was normal during the beginning of a new school year. Freshmen always got it the worst for sure and their strength [i]did[/i] have to be tested, but more often than not, it went too far and the beatings were brutal. He did [i]not[/i] approve of this. Once he thought it over for a second, he turned his attention to the commotion and witnessed someone getting hit with a stun-gun. He did [i]not[/i] approve of this even more. [color=1a7b30][i]"Dirty cheater. Take your loss like a man, and quit dishonoring yourself and this school."[/i][/color] Cheaters and acting in a dishonorable way during a fight was something Tetsu detested. This guy was no better than the group of bullies running after what seemed to be a grey haired girl. For a moment, Tetsunosuke stopped walking and began to watch and see how this would play out.