The farm boy washed his horse clean, humming along Epona stomped her hooves shook her head as he cleaned the horse of the dust and dirt that had covered her during their along trip. Next he washed the part of him that had trail dust and grime, finally cleaned up he drew his blade spun it a couple times and smiled. He'd ask about joining the guard after the festival and a good party, harvest season had been tough and he deserved a little time off to enjoy himself. He hitched Epona back up to the cart looking up towards the castle, towards those who were not joining in the celebration but watching it from a distance. Being a prince or princess must have been terribly boring thought the farm boy as his force climbed up the hill to the castle. As he stopped outside the gate, the first guard burst out laughing at the boy dressed in green. "Oh! Torren get a load of this, boy thinks he's the Hero of Time!" Soon both guards were laughing at the now beet red youth. Link was half tempted to yell but he had to show respect, they were the king soldiers after all. Link waited for them to stop laughing silently before the one that had called to his friend finally asked. "So you here to drop off tribute? Ordon right? You guys always have the best harvests and hunting, well go on little hero. The King and Princess are waiting, your the last one to bring in a tribute tonight." They chuckled and from inside two guards lowered the drawbridge and raised the gate. The young boy headed through the gate yawning, he'd missed his afternoon nap he might just find a bail of hay and curl up after this. Then he remembered the party down below, a couple of dances first a drink or two to help him sleep and then maybe a room in the inn or more likely in the back of the cart. He slowly entered and took the sword from the bundle, servants rushed out unloading all of fruits, meats, and skins. The boy carried the fine blade the local blacksmiths had crafted to mark the occasion, he walked forward to the throne room. The servants sat down each of the items before the king and Link bowed, his eyes locked to the floor the sword held up to the king with both hands. "My king, I have arrived with the gifts of Ordon. The village has thrived under your protection, to thank you we offer you the best pelts of the season, our finest steaks preserved in chest of ice ready for your cooks, the fruits from our tree's, and this sword hand made to show our villages allegiance to you and your line." It was a rehearsed speech, the boy would remain until he was told to do otherwise, one did not simply rise and leaves a kings court.