[@Z2010Deadmeat] [color=9966CC]"Well you know me, so easily led astray by a pretty face and sweet words. We can't all be as true and strong as you, try as I may."[/color] She bantered back, but soon - like everyone else most likely - her attention was captured as Mimic began to berate the two late students. Kat fell silent and stared down Mimic. Her investment in this conflict may not have so pure motivations but she would always be prepared to stand in Mimic's way if possible. Kat saw another student slink in late and slip to the back of the class. Hopefully for them Mimic would be to involved with the other two to notice them. Seeing Kaden turn to look at her from the corner of her eye she listened and simply replied, [color=9966CC]"Of course."[/color] However her actions betrayed her words as she made no sign of moving.