[center][b]Name:[/b] Amelia (Ami, Elia) Saunders [b]Age:[/b] 11 [hider=Appearance] [img]http://fraser.typepad.com/frolix_8/images/dhg_li.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Amelia has a temper on her, ever since the birth of her younger brother, she's found herself swamped with so many lessons she barely sleeps. Being the heir of her family means that Amelia has to prefect the 'imperfections' her mother says she has, as well as 'bringing pride and respect' to their family as a whole. There are days where she's quiet and does her lessons with a single-mindedness that brings a smile to both her parents faces, some days she can't manage to stir still and will lash out at anyone that comes near her. The mask that she wears seems perminent, her gaze blank and seeming to pierce into those she meets eyes with, smiles that used to grace her lips are in memory now. She's intelligent and knows spells most first-years shouldn't until third-year. She'll avoid crowds if she can, she'll be the perfect heiress when out in public, but when home she'll be found in the kitchens with the house-elfs. She hates being in the same room with her family, mostly because the air is tense and irritates her more then when they manage stilted small-talk. [b]History:[/b] Being born in a rich, well known family like the Saunders, Amelia from an early age hated things being done for her. People would come and stay around Christmas when her mother would hold her party's, which is how Amelia came to hate crowds. The Manor they lived in was large, beautiful and very expansive. But cold and empty to Amelia when her parents would vanish on 'errands' that would leave her and her brother -Aiden- alone in the care of the house-elves. Silence became as much as a comfort as it became a hindrance for Amelia as she grew older. She loved the stories the elves told her as they moved efficiency through dinner preparation, their hands moving in gestures that had her interest, though she tried to hold her tongue as best she could. On a rainy day when she was seven, she asked her question and the answer had her forgetting the lesson of staying still and acting properly, her curiosity peeked more then ever. The gestures were how they used their magic, Amelia knew of magic through the books she'd read on magical theory, though she'd never seen or actually done it before. The elves told her that elf magic varied from witch or wizard magic and that if she wanted she could try to focus and see if she could try easy spells. When out in public she'd stay still and act as was expected of the heiress, but when home and with the elves she allowed herself to smile and practice her spells. Her parents almost never being alone helped with her mastery of simple spells, she wouldn't be able to do harder one's until she had a wand the elves has whispered to her, she'd bring pride to the Saunder family. But not for honor or respect like her parents thought she'd aim for, she was going to do it on her own and fight for her own ideas instead of being passive and allowing her mother and father to dictate her life. Blood Type: PureBlood Wand: Willow, 9", Dragon heartstring Wand Image: [hider=Wand] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/027/1/6/ebony_wand_by_kaldra-d385pzx.jpg[/img] [/hider] Pet: Owl named Entenia Pet Image: [hider=Owl] [img]http://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/birds/owls/mottled-black-white-snowy-owl.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center]