[img]http://img03.deviantart.net/46a4/i/2008/016/e/7/sunset_panorama_by_johnnysasaki20.jpg[/img] [[url=http://johnnysasaki20.deviantart.com/art/Sunset-Panorama-74778736]Source[/url]] [center][h1]Kingdom Hearts: Shattered Planes[/h1][/center] “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ― Plato Welcome friends, new and old, to Kingdom Hearts: Shattered Planes. The story upon which this roleplay is built is a re-imagining of sorts of the Kingdom Hearts storyline. It holds no ties to the games in the popular action-role playing series, except superficially; Concepts such as Heartless, Keyblades, many worlds inspired by fictional universes, and a thematic focus on the struggle between light and darkness. The focus of this RP will be on a fresh new batch of Keyblade Wields, the largest group to be chosen in a long, long while, and their attendance of a reclusive, private academy. Having been chosen by the Keyblades themselves, these students will take up the mantle of the Keyblade Guard; an old and prestigious group who have pledged to protect the Planes of Light from the encroaching darkness. All is not well in Sanctuary, though: Heartless are appearing more frequently and more aggressively than ever, threatening to snuff out the final light of the world. Time grows short for Sanctuary, and its safety lies on the shoulders of the capable new recruits of the Keyblade Guard. They must discover the truth about their home, stop the encroaching darkness, and find away to defeat it once and for all. [hr][hider=Preamble] Welcome to Sanctuary, a beacon of light in a world besieged by darkness. The culprit; Heartless, creatures born of the darkness inherent in peoples hearts. For centuries, the brave soldiers of Sanctuary have defended their Plane from the unending onslaught of darkness that seeks to snuff out their light. In direct opposition of the darkness is the Keyblade Guard. An ancient brotherhood of bearers of the Keyblade, a weapon designed to combat Heartless. They fight to protect Sanctuary and its people, and strive to end the Darkness once and for all. Their numbers are small, as only a being who's heart is aligned with Pure Light may wield a keyblade. This is why, every year, the Rite of the Legion is performed; thousands of high school aged students travel to the Keyblade Master's Academy in the centre of Sanctuary to take part in the rite. Only a handful are chosen each year, but joining the ranks of the Keyblade Guard is considered a great honour. And so you have come, from some corner of the great and diverse plane of Sanctuary to its centre, to attend the rite. Unbeknownst to you, you have always been fated to arrive here, to learn the true history of the world, and to end the festering darkness once and for all. You, and others with the Pure Light in their hearts, will uncover the true nature of the Crystal Heart that lies deep within the academy, reveal the truth behind the seven Mages of Pure Light in legend, and discover the purpose of The Door, a hushed rumour that can be heard echoing the halls of the academy.[/hider] [hr] Alright, so I'm going to assume you all know the rules of the board, and I also want to assume you're all good people, but if I must have a rule, then it's this: Don't be a Jerk. I shouldn't have to spell it out to you, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Now, into the meat of it! In the universe of KH:SP, there are seven Planes of Light; Sanctuary, Knowledge, Justice, Sacrifice, Mercy, Bravery and Persistence. While Sanctuary is a more generic world, akin to a Traverse Town, I'm going to need your help to fill in the other six. I've left the lore vague enough that these worlds could be inhabited by residents inspired by any fictional universe you can think of. That could mean anything from Disney to WarHammer 40K (Though you'd have to make a pretty convincing argument for that :p), and will be the origin of your character's people (See the Legend of the Mages in the Library post below this one for more information on that). Also, don't worry if your character's world doesn't make it into one of the six main slots, because there are twelve other potential worlds to inhabit, though those won't be explored for a while. What I'm trying to say is that your character can be from literally anything, and if you make a compelling enough argument, that world will become a main locale for our heroes to explore and fight in. Speaking of Heroes, let's move on to your characters; Below I will detail the character sheet I'd like you to fill out. In general, I'd like everyone to play a Keyblade Wielder, though not everyone has to be fresh meat. I'll allow one or two people to play more experience warriors, older students at the academy, if they so desire. Additionally, a few non-keyblade warriors could be accepted, though their history will have to be a bit more intertwined with the academy. [hider=Character Sheet] The Character (This is you!) Name: (Your character's name. I'm looking for Original Characters here, seeing as the residents of your fictional universe have been living in Sanctuary for centuries.) Age: (Between 15-17 for a new Keyblade Wielder, and varied for other characters) Gender: Species: (Human to anthropomorphic cat, as long as it's based on an existing fictional universe.) Appearance: (At least a paragraph, photo or not. A picture is nice, but you're going to need a bit more to make them come alive) Personality: (What kind of person are they? At least a paragraph) Capabilities: (What are they good at? Are they a master of one, or jack of all trades? Remember, not everything is about fighting, but you'll be spending a good amount of time fighting Heartless. A good paragraph should suffice) Weaknesses: (What are they terrible at? What is their bane? Another paragraph here) History: (How was their upbringing? This might not be long, considering your character's age group. Check out the Library below to read up on life in Sanctuary.) The Blade (Your weapon) Name: (The name of your Keyblade) Description: (The Keyblade you wield. Though one of the Blades of the Legion may have chosen you, it was still moulded to you; your first Keyblade is a reflection of your Heart, of your true self. Design it with care, as you probably won't get another for a while.) Strength: (Is your Keyblade fast? Good for guarding? Perhaps it has a strength against a certain kind of enemy? List its strengths here) Weakness: (Does your blade sacrifice speed, or strength for the sake of some other desirable trait?) Other: (Anything else you'd like to specify about your blade.) [/hider] As well, I'd like you to fill in a "World" Sheet, suggesting a world for our group to travel to. I'd like a little thought put into this, as the main six worlds we choose will shape the direction of our RP. This will most likely be the world your character's ancestors hailed from. Once I've accepted it, we'll work together to come up with heartless, plot threads, [hider=World Sheet] Name: (A clever name alluding to the fictional world its based off of) Fiction: (The fictional universe you're basing the world off of. Anything you can think of, though try to imagine a world that could fit into the kingdom hearts theme.) Reason for inclusion: [/hider]