Carl has finally arrived at the store he had jogged too quickly. It wasn't a fancy place though it was near a famous shoe store in town which gave it a bit of extra customers. It was a rather modest store besides the machines inside it also had two compartments which could allow you to access Neverland which was always useful to players. It was one of the perks that Neverland had. As long as you were near civilization you wouldn't need to worry about a laptop or home computer. After going up to the clerk he showed him his wristband to show that he was a certified member of Neverland Online. Members needed to show the clerks these in order to get into the game. The clerk, a scrawny man with bushy brown hair, nodded and told him the usual nonsense regulations he had heard so many times before and he more or less gave perfunctory yeses and no's to those random questions such as are you prone to seizures and the typical game related stuff. After that was finished he finally logged into Neverland Online and as his paladin, clad in his shiny iron armor, stepped forward into the realm of virtual reality he couldn't help but still feel weird. Going into Neverland was weird it was like one's body was being transformed into something else entirely...well it really was in truth since he was now physically turned into data. Regardless he looked around and saw some of the Z. Empire's finest talking down to some dwarves who were low leveled mocking them about their lack of a home in game. The dwarves were not really taking it all to personally and just replied it was a game and they had nothing to be ashamed about unlike trolls who spent their lives in video games. Sighing Carl decided to stay out of it. Looking around Han's Landing he decided it would be best to ware off some of that ring rust and decided to visit the arena. Hopefully there were some low levels there competing just Like himself. He would try to fight some higher levels if there weren't but he'd get creamed...higher levels mean more skills which meant that he would get his butt beat if they were even a quarter as smart as your average snail. === "[color=8dc73f]Oi! Shaman! Find your own grinding spot![/color]" shouted a pixy as he floated in the air above a elf with long blonde hair. The group emerged from a bush nearby and confronted the mysterious shaman. The male elf brandished a bow and arrow in his hand and he looked fairly peeved that someone else had walked into his spot. [color=8dc73f]"Do you have any idea how annoying it is to find spawn spots here in Han's Crossing? Hard as balls and when we finally find one not taken you comin' with you fancy ice magic and your bloody all father's magic and kill our prey? Not cool brah."[/color] The pixie complained as he was pushed back slightly by the elf. [color=f7941d]"Look user I'm not here to cause a fight over low level prey but we were here first. These creatures spawn nearby so we will take turns killing them? Sound fair? If that isn't enough I suppose I can break neutrality clause and put an arrow in your throat and send you back to your precious all father up in the northern half of the map. Do you fancy walking all the way back down?"[/color] the elf said in a rather blunt threat towards Yuma. [color=f7941d]"I suppose you could try to kill me as well but unlike you I don't need to go through Han's Crossing to get to my territory."[/color]