[img]http://i.imgur.com/jlKvhxY.jpg[/img] Name: Hiroshi 'Hiro' Yukimora Age: 11 Personality: Hiro is a quiet , timid, and quite soft spoken. He isn't the type of person to start a conversation or join in one. Hiro is easily angered , especially with him self. He believes that if something were to go wrong, that it would be his fault and quickly blames himself that he couldn't be better. Hiro doesn't like to take risks, or anything that could get him in trouble, but when push comes shove Hiro will instinctively act to save someone he holds in high regards, even if it means his life is put in danger. Hiro is incredibly book smart, but lacks street smarts. Reciting lectures, mixing ingredients to make potions, being asked to perform certain spells comes easily, but when put on the spot Hiro will fluster and blank. History: Hiroshi Yukimora is the youngest of 4, his older brothers and sister were revered wizards in Mahoutokoro; the Japanese wizarding school. His father Daichi Yukimora a famous auror in Japan, and his mother Emi Yukimora once the revered Quidditch coach of Japan. Emi was also rumoured to have help come up with the special Quidditch move the Japanese team uses known as the Tsunami. Hiroshi is constantly put under pressure from his family, The Yukimora family has been renowned as one of the greatest wizard families in Japan . Hiro has lived his entire childhood being compared to his elder siblings, always hearing comments such as: " I hope he becomes a potion master like his sister", or " he has big shoes to fill if he ever wants to outshine his siblings". Hiro has been taught magic for his entire life. His father being an auror taught him day in and day out about the defence of the dark arts. When Hiro was 7 years old, he moved to London with his mother, who was hired by the London Quidditch team to help as an extra coach. When it was time for Hiroshi to go back to Japan to start his studies in Mahoutokoro, his mother insisted that he go to Hogwarts instead. His father and his mother bickered on hours on end, but ultimately it was Hiroshi's decision where he wanted to go. Hiroshi knew it was a family tradition to attend Mahoutokoro, he didn't want to disappoint his father or his siblings. His mother told him that he would surpass the rest of his family if he were to go to Hogwarts instead, to learn something different, experience the world. In hindsight Hiroshi already knew that Hogwarts was where he wanted to go. It was a new start for him, he had no ones shadow to fall behind, nor would he have any teachers constantly telling him how amazing the rest of his family is. Blood Type: Pure blood Wand: Cherry wood, 9 1/4, Kappa webbing. Wand Image: [img]http://i.imgur.com/86eb0qS.jpg[/img] Pet: [img]http://i.imgur.com/SgyQMDq.jpg[/img]