[@FallenTrinity] Not sure Yuna would appreciate that kind of behavior. lolol [@Partisan][@Masaki Haruna][@Savato] Made a few edits to her personality. Just realized there were other GMs too, so I'd like to show it to you guys as well. Feedback is much appreciated. [hider=Yuna Hōjō] [center] [h2][color=7bcdc8]Yuna Hōjō[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/r27om0.jpg[/IMG] [i][color=7bcdc8]“Please be sincere about how you feel. I don't like being fooled.”[/color][/i] Yuna is generally considered pretty by others, not that she would really acknowledge it though. She doesn't base her essence on her outward appearance. She finds that kind of visual outlook of a person to be shallow. But nonetheless, she is comely, with soft fair skin, a cute button nose, watery blue eyes, and thick eyelashes. She has thin eyebrows and long brown hair that's usually laid out or tied up into a high ponytail. Her body is thin and lithe, and she doesn't have much of a chest either. But to be honest, nothing about her look really stands out. Her appearance is rather simplistic. Put it simply, she wears what she wants, as she pleases. If she wants to wear sweats and a jumpsuit one day, she will. If she wants to wear a sundress another day, she will. If she wants to look like a skank, she will. She has no quelms about what she wears or how people perceive her based off what she wears. She has no general style, as she switches up what she wears on a day to day basis based off how she is feeling in the moment. Yuna doesn't care much about price tags and material items. The newest, finest clothing goods don't usually make it to her closet. Since she is a shrine maiden on the weekends, she can occasionally be seen in her shinto uniform. -------------------------------------------------O-O-O-O-O-O------------------------------------------------[/center] [color=7bcdc8][u]Personnel files.[/u][/color] Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance. [color=7bcdc8]【Full Name】[/color] Yuna Hōjō [color=7bcdc8]【Alias】[/color] Butterfly [color=7bcdc8]【Age】[/color] 19 [color=7bcdc8]【Gender】[/color] Female [color=7bcdc8]【Birthplace】[/color] Sunagakure [color=7bcdc8]【Bloodline】[/color] Hōjō [color=7bcdc8]【Rank】[/color] Chūnin -------------------------------------------------O-O-O-O-O-O------------------------------------------------ [color=7bcdc8][u]Psych. report.[/u][/color] Medical secrecy applies. [color=7bcdc8]【Personality】[/color] Yuna is probably best defined as a visionary, a feminist, a romanticist, and an activist. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a rich, creative, and poetic imagination. She is incredibly inquisitive and has an insatiable curiosity about everything around her, so the world is her escape from normality and the mundane. She has no fear of anyone or anything. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time. And she trusts herself -- always has, always will. She has a soothing vitality and her intuition is remarkable, radiant and alive. She doesn't like having to conform to gender norms or expectations of being a female. In her eyes, women can be just as capable as their male counterparts. Yuna doesn't appreciate gender inequalities and has a distinct dislike for misogynistic behavior or people who underestimate her for being a woman. She doesn't like objectifying ideologies. She's the type to partake in a pacifistic protest, camp out in a tree to keep it from being cut down , or raise money to "save" an endangered species of dolphins. She loves exploring the world around her and communing with animals, as she has several pets herself. The fact that she is incredibly patient and emotionally aware of those around her makes her really good at giving advice. She has a mature and motherly air about her that makes her seem comforting and draws others to her. A warming embrace or a kiss goodnight fits her bill. She is a hopeless romantic and loves anything that's passionate and sincere and romanticized. She takes a non-judgmental and sympathetic approach to things, and prefers not to kill unless she has to. Because she is very passionate, she is very outspoken about her feelings and doesn't like to lie unless she feels its for a good cause. But she absolutely hates when people lie to her, which can seem a little hypocritical. Down to earth, compassionate, and empathetic, she is the type who marvels at fireflies, rainbows, and scenic views. Her belief is that "Women are just as capable as Men". Although sensitive, she is still a very independent and capable young lady. While she won't initially turn away the assistance of others, she has this prideful sense of self-sustaining herself and "get hands on and do it yourself". Yuna doesn't like to have to rely on others, but she will cast aside her pride in order to find success in her task at hand. However, her biggest flaw is that she can be incredibly unforgiving. She can be a bit idealistic and optimistic, and generally gives people the benefit of the doubt. She puts her trust in everyone at the start and once that trust is lost, she holds a grudge like no tomorrow. In these instances where someone ends up black-listed or has crossed her, they are treated as though they don't even exist. [color=7bcdc8]【History】[/color] Yuna's family and the Hojo Clan originate from Sunagakure, though as of late have settled in at Konohagakure for business reasons. For several generations, her family has owned a chain of quaint bathhouses that also multi-purpose as Inns. [color=7bcdc8][i]"The Hōjō Bathhouse and Inns"[/i][/color] have been the main bread and butter of the family since its inception and since she was a little girl, she has helped in taking care of one of them that resides in Konohagakure, though now that she is older, her duties are more managerial. There are also Hojo B&I primarily in Sunagakure, Iwagakure, and Takigakure. Though she continues to help out because she is trying to be helpful, she longs for an escape from the mundane duties that it requires. Not to mention she is a shrine maiden on the weekends, a "job" she dislikes as she finds it stereotypically feminine. Shrine maidens can be men too, in her eyes. She found relief when her parents finally let her become a ninja. This was the perfect avenue to escape her boring life and to see the world for what it has to offer. Meet new people, see new places, make new experiences and memories. She is a dreamer at heart, so her imagination of what lies beyond is unending. Yuna believes that by leaving the nest, she will grow to become stronger, smarter, and wiser. There is a sudden maturity that comes to with leaving your comfort zone and exploring outside the norm. Her younger brothers admire her tenacity and courageousness, though have not yet been allowed to follow in her footsteps. There is a sense of pride that comes with being a girl and the oldest of four younger brothers. It breaks the gender norms and shows that an older female role model can be just as good for young boys as an older brother. They originally had their father and grandfather as older male figures, but after their untimely deaths(complications of a kidney transplant), the weight fell on her, as her mother was too busy running the family business. She is currently a sensor-nin in training. [color=7bcdc8]【Family ties】[/color] Kichou Hōjō - Mother Saiga Hōjō - Father (Deceased) Magoichi Hōjō - Grandfather (Deceased) Wataru - Younger brother Mino - Younger brother Genji - Younger brother [color=7bcdc8]【Dreams and fears】[/color] Dreams- Exploring the world, breaking gender norms. Fears- Being a bad role-model for her younger brothers. -------------------------------------------------O-O-O-O-O-O------------------------------------------------ [color=7bcdc8][u]Combat reports.[/u][/color] Gathered from evaluation reports after missions. [color=7bcdc8]【Fighting style】[/color] Known as the Butterfly for its symbolic meaning of transformation, Yuna does just that within the lines of battle. Though a relatively adequate sensor-nin, she is primarily an elusive and evasive close combat fighter, utilizing her metamorphosis jutsus to shape-shift into animals and people. Each form provides her with a unique asset and skill-set for making the best of tough situations. While she isn't the strongest fighter, she is definitely a capable one, and her many forms make her a versatile one as well. However, because of the nature of her jutsus, she lacks any form of long-range capabilities. She cannot quickly shapeshift from one form to another either. [color=7bcdc8]【Ninja techniques】[/color] [color=7bcdc8]D-E rank techniques:[/color] * The basic jutsu [color=7bcdc8]【Custom made techniques】[/color] Jutsu name: [color=7bcdc8]Metamorphosis [/color] Rank: A Range: Self Description: This incredibly versatile ninjutsu allows Yuna to shape shift into different people and animals. The time she can stay transformed into something is limited and depends on how much the form looks like her original human form. The less it looks like her, the less time she can spend as it. Yuna is currently able to maintain another human form for 30 minutes(only their physical appearance), with animals forms are differentiating in lengths of time(She can maintain a gorilla form for maybe 25 minutes, while only being able to maintain a fish form for 5 minutes and an ant form for 5 seconds). Furthermore, the jutsu requires a cooling down time. She cannot first transform into a bird, and then the second after that transform into a horse. The cooling down time between consecutive forms is always the same and equal to about a minimum of 20 seconds(at least for her skill level). The cooling down time per form depends on two things: It again depends on how much the form looks like her original human form. The less it looks like her, the more cooling down time it requires. It also depends on how much time she has spent in that form the last time(For example, if she remained in the form of another human for 30 minutes, you can't expect her to be able to shapeshift back into it within 1 minute even though the forms are alike). Generally, the longer she remains in a form, the longer the cooling down time is before she can shapeshift back into it. A prerequisite seems to be that this jutsu requires her to have actually observed the subject in real life, rather than seeing it on a picture or reading about it. But she has other limitations as well, as she cannot shapeshift into summons, tailed beasts, imaginary creatures, or animals that have already gone extinct. How well she manages to shift into another form depends on how well she knows the subject or how many times she has observed it. For example, she is perfectly fine at shifting into small birds and house pets, okay at shifting into a bear or deer, but sucks at shifting into rare animals such as a crane or wolf. When she tries to shift into something she has observed only once or twice it will be a very imperfect copy of the animal. Jutsu name: [color=7bcdc8]Partial Metamorphosis [/color] Rank: B Range: Self Description: Now if she chooses, she can use this jutsu to only partially shapeshift into another human or animal. A prime example of this, is being able to transform her arms into a pair of wings or grow deer antlers on her head--maybe tiger claws, scorpion pincers, a monkey tail, or even gills on her neck. She can even shapeshift her hair like someone elses or her eyes to mimic the sharingan of an Uchiha or the byakugan of a Hyuuga(though of course without the actual jutsus or effects). It is strictly a physical imitation. Because these partial shifts require less chakra, she can maintain them for a longer period of time than a complete metamorphosis. Jutsu name: [color=7bcdc8]Shared Metamorphosis[/color] Rank: B Range: Short Description: With this jutsu, she can share and transfer her metamorphosis onto another, causing them to shapeshift into the exact form that she is currently shifted in. If she were in a dog, she could allow someone near her to transform into the exact same dog as well. Unfortunately, they suffer from the same limitations as she does and can only stay in the form for as long as she stays in her form, so when she shits back to human, so do they. She can only use this jutsu on 3 people at max, with each additional person costing her more chakra. They only stay metamorphed through the duration of the transformation as long as they remain near her. [/hider]