[h2][color=royalblue]St. Johns International Airport, Control Tower[/color][/h2] [url=http://onlineathens.com/images/061001/1940s_look.jpg]Deena Fontaine[/url] stared absentmindedly at the night sky, bored out of her wits. She had been working at the tower for two years now and in all that time she must have seen no more then 24 aircraft coming in to land, it begged the question why Newfoundland even bothered making an airport when a tent and a dirt runway would have been more then sufficient. She picked up her coffee mugged and swirled the contents around in the white ceramic vessel, taking only a small sip before placing it back down on her desk. It was going to be a long night and from what she could see of the other's in the tower, they thought so too, with their heads rested on folded arms on their desks and some even fast asleep under their consoles. She sighed. Giving the room a brief scan, she acknowledged that no one was awake, this made her angry of course but she was too tired to voice her frustrations. Convinced that no planes were to be landing tonight, she switched off her desk lamp and took off her headphones before pulling a blanket over her shoulders and closing her eyes. As she did so, her headphones crackled to life with the tinny voice of a man, reluctantly she slipped the headphones back on and as she looked out of the window, she spied two military trucks and a fancy car pull up at the far end of the airport. “This is Captain Foss of the Royal Canadian Air Force number one hundred and four fighter squadron flight of two with VIP aircraft in tow, requesting clearance and landing instructions at Saint John for negotiations, over.” "CAF-104, You are clear to land," she mumbled, not bothering to check her ledger to see if the identification number was valid, "adjust course to 014 degrees and commence a shallow landing on runway three, choose any hanger you like, they're all empty." with that she took her headphones off and bundled herself into her blanket.