[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmUxMGYwYy5TMkZ6WVhKcElFeHBaWE50WVEsLC4w/dark-garden.regular.png[/img] [color=3a0600]Torin[/color]; Sister Bride: [color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color][/center] Kasari shook her head slowly as she picked at a couple of fruits still left on her plate. [color=ed1c24]"Unfortunately they're in a much worse position than that. I used to live in the plains that run along the southern border."[/color] With this announcement, it was inevitable that the troops stationed along that border would be retreating home earnestly leaving her friends and family wide open to attack from any country willing to risk competition with the Drakken for Gemminia. The thoughts made her blood run cold, a feeling she had never known in her life yet could not find her way out of in that moment. It seemed her sister wife had lost her appetite as well, not surprising considering the circumstances, but the real surprise came from Torin. The man stood from his place at the table and announced his departure, Kasari's confusion mixing with her relief as she stood as well. She waited patiently as Torin briefly conversed with his sister and a guard, watching with interest as the guard sat beside Tyrai at the table... Their customs would never cease to surprise her. She easily kept pace with Torin as they made their way to the chambers designated for the distinguished guests, most of whom were still left down in the dining hall enjoying themselves. As the group arrived at their new room, Kasari almost reached out reflexively to keep Torin from running into the chair, but it seemed as if he'd sensed it before coming to a stop. She couldn't figure out how, but it felt like his gaze was everywhere at once, taking in the room without actual sight. Then the thought struck her, Drakken were blessed with control over two elements not just one like the Gemminites. [color=ed1c24][i]A fire wielder as well as an air. That is a dangerous combination.[/i][/color] She thought to herself, taking a seat close to the flames for comfort. After everything she had learned about the Drakken from her parents and village elders, kindness or anything of the like had never once been mentioned. Perhaps Torin's actions were out of pity for the two girls so far from home, but that did not matter. It was more than most other Drakken would think to allow that Kasari could not read it any other way but kindness. Wiping away the stray tear falling from her face, she stood and approached the paper. Fire Gems weren't known for their literacy but her father had taught her enough to be able to write a simple letter, a skill she had never appreciated until now. As the smoke filled the room, Kasari wrote to her family with every prayer in her mind that it would reach them. Her letter detailed a safe journey, a strong yet kind husband and a sweet earth Gem to share her sorrows with. Before signing it she warned them of the immanent dangers despite the fact that it might not reach them at all, let alone in time for them to evacuate to safer grounds. [color=ed1c24]"Being able to write to them at all is enough, thank you."[/color] It was in that moment Kasari found enough strength to smile, even just a little bit not matter if it could not be seen. Kasari wished that they could have stayed in the mountainous border for a few days longer, soaking in what would be the last they would ever see of home. But her husband's wishes were law to a Gem, especially the first of many conquered rather than diplomatically married. Kasari had much confusion to sort through, but she would act in a way that gave her as much time as possible to sort through it, after all she wasn't suicidal... at least not currently.