[center][h2][color=gold][b]Subject 332 - [i]Parkinson[/i][/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Things seemed to cool down after Doc had taken command and gave the tour they were aiming for from the start, quite a contrast compared to what had just happened. The violent event didn't really scar Parkinson's mind like it seemed to do in Sony's, which made the blonde whimper in sympathy for the bubbly female, but something just kept her back from tending to the traumatized individual. She didn't feel comfortable approaching her, or at least around the others, plus someone else was tasked to handle her. Parkinson didn't want to seem like some kind of attention wanting tryhard, and as such refrained from expressing anything whatsoever than what she slipped out while acknowledging the event. She followed the group, staying in front this time right next to Doc during the entire visit of their new home. The tall blonde felt at ease around this figure of authority for some reason, despite him being a male. She didn't trust him, that's for sure, but her natural instinct to follow a well instilled leader simply took over. Andarta, however, wouldn't help but pester her for no reason she could actually recall. Despite her attempts to shrug off the titan, she came back for more, seemingly unable to take a hint. This of course slowly purged the adrenaline in Parkinson's body that relieved her from her series of headaches. [color=gold][i]Why me ... Whyyyyy ...?[/i][/color] She only gave the amazon the most basic of negative replies, uninterested in engaging in a longing conversation with the woman. Finally, the giant's attention span reached its tiny limit and she ran off to do whatever, it wasn't like Parkinson was going to stick around to find out. Doc had released them, and she could barely acknowledge most of what he said as her head pains continuously plagued her cognitive capabilities. Hand pressed against her left temple, she once again tried to relieve it, but it vain, and the concept of adrenaline was still one that flew right over her mind for some strange reason. She was probably afraid of reliving the idea of physically hurting. When freed, she noticed that in the normal hang out lounge there were quarters with basic beds for them to rest on. She had never seen a bed in her life, but they seemed comfortable and would maybe be the solution to her current problems. She looked both directions, making sure her overly annoying and loud colleague wasn't around to see where she'd run away to. Swiftly, Parkinson jumped on one of the beds and marveled in the concept of physical comfort. Her head felt at ease when lying on a pillow and her body quickly went numb when her almost automatically when into a resting state. She even figured out the wonders of bed covers that prevented her from being cold like before. "[color=gold]This is so ... Sublime. Nothing can get me n- No. Please.[/color]" She whispered to herself before being interrupted by Andarta's obnoxiously loud voice echoing through the nearby area. Parkinson curled up in a fetal position, praying that the nightmare would go away. [i][color=gold]Parky. Parks. Blondie. Nope. No way. This isn't happening.[/color][/i] Three nicknames in one go, something Parkinson couldn't bear any longer. She already had two names, why making it anymore confusing than it already is? Parkinson's rationale blocked off this kind of playful and affectionate concept, wanting to be as clear and concise as possible when talking with these people she was already so uncomfortable with. She got off her bed, walked up to the sounds that the female was making. She was talking to Sony and the tattoo kid she found strange from the get go. Andarta was looking for Parkinson, and Parkinson wanted to be clear with Andarta. So they both got their wish. "[color=gold]Hey. You. It's Parkinson. P-A-R-K-I-N-S-O-N. Or 332, 3-3-2. Not Parky. Not Parks. And ABSOLUTELY NOT Blondie! Got it, AN-DAR-TA?[/color]" She aggressively exclaimed as she approached the group, though the target of her focus was most obviously the giant she referred to. When she finished her little fit, which seemed somewhat a lot less hostile than she hoped it would appear, she crossed her arms. There was a slight vibe of awkwardness in her posture, Parkinson seemed nervous but also quite vulnerable as she looked up to the much taller female, almost in submission. It was like a tiny dog barking its throat out to tall person, it appeared more cute than anything else to people like Andarta, heck even those watching would likely find this rather comedic.