Hunter walked into his room. He threw his bag onto his bed and sat down. "Ain't itchen' for combat, I'm itching for revenge." He was a bit mad at Hayden about his comment of not wanting combat because of his loss, loss was the reason Hunter wanted combat. He would trade losses with him any day. He tried to calm down, last thing he needed was a hot head before he did something stupid. Hunter looked over to his roommate. "So, you liking this place? Me personally I think it's to bright." Hunter pointed to his goggles. "Though the food has to be better then the preservatives that we have stockpiled in Admiration. Have you ever tried food with a Twenty year shelf life? I hate that crap." That wasn't completely true, The canned beans and fruits he liked. "I wonder if any of the food they have here is fresh? Or fresher, I'd take either." he shrugged.