Colony Sheet: Location: (Woods, Warehouse, police station, so on so on.) Name: (If in a place like a mall or small town could be that.) Government: (Do you have a voting system or is it just the leader(s) just do what needs to be done when ever?) Population: (Can be anything from a dozen, To a couple hundred, though High numbers and low numbers both have advantages and disadvantages.) Agriculture: (Farming, Scavenging, Trading, How do you get food and water basically.) Army: (How much of your population acts as soldiers/fighters. This will have a huge effect on moral.) Firepower: (Does your army have a stockpile of LMGs and heavy armor or were they screwed and only have sticks and knives now.) Technology: (What kind of tech and electricity do they have? Generators, solar power, Internet?! Or screwed and nothing?) Transportation: (Do you have trucks, Jeeps, cars? Or maybe horses and buggies? Or maybe you that guy everyone hates with the Tank?) Other supplies: (ie. Ammo, guns, gas, How do you get these things if at all?) Lifestyle: (How do your people live? With a pre-war expensive life style or like dirt? What is their daily activities? Are they forced to work all day or just do jobs when ever?) History of you colony: (How did you colony get the way it is? What has it done and still do to survive? How did you get the supplies and the resources you have?) {Notes} 1. Post in OOC for approval. 2. Do not over power your colony, I will deny it. 3. Remember this is three years after the Apocalypse started, keep that in mind when making the sheets. 4. Try not to make one too identical to other colonies. 5. I will have a map up and I will place colonies based on the factors above. 6. Any questions feel free to ask.