[hider=Ciell CS][b]Pilot[/b] Name: Ciell Macci Age: 17 Home world: Tranquility Appearance: A life dedicated to training has left Ciell with a lean, athletic form. An albino, her skin is chalk-white, her long hair a similar color, and her eyes holding a red-violet hue. She has a hard gaze and straight posture, like a soldier constantly at attention. Despite this, she’s prone to wearing civilian clothes when things are quiet, however no matter what the outer layer, she’s never without the form-fitting pilot suit below it all. Personality: Cold and dismissive to anyone that isn’t her superior, compliant and dutiful to all others with an underlying layer of competitiveness beneath everything. Ciell makes a good soldier and little else. Though not prone to recreation, she took up dance in her early teens as an approved extracurricular exercise by her mother. History: Ciell’s parents were exceptional pilots, with both the passion and skills to excel in their suits. However bad luck proved to be the stronger force when her father’s prototype mech malfunctioned, resulting in a detonation of its core and the death of both himself and the nearby scientists monitoring his run. Shortly after, Ciell was born and her mother decided early on the girl was fated to be pilot. But unlike her father, she would not be dabbling in technology that she could not directly control, and thus she was relegated to the Paladin-class. For years when she wasn’t running simulations, she was training under the iron fist of her mother’s regime. This worked until she was fifteen, when Ciell suffered a sudden and crippling anxiety attack whilst piloting. Psychologists were quick to point the finger at her mother’s harsh parenting, but Ciell claimed that the AI integration had been the source. With no agreed-upon cause, the girl was released and continued training without incident for the next two years, until present. [b]Mech[/b] Planet of origin: Tranquility Model: Paladin Preferred weapon(s): The Mirror: An inward-curving field of visible magnetic energy that hovers close behind the mech and travels from one shoulder to the other. Upon activation the Mirror’s ideal function would be to draw an incoming projectile into one end of the field, use its momentum to slingshot it across to the other end and rocket it back towards the direction of origin. However, the Mirror is experimental, and in addition to being useable only in instantaneous bursts, the system as a whole has a chance to falter. In such cases, the projectile could burn up in the field, break away and travel in an unintended direction, or simply be unaffected and damage the mech directly. As well, the Mirror is only capable of reflecting projectiles from the front, attacks from the side/behind will be unaffected. Mech Axe: A single-bladed energy axe, with a staff that runs roughly the height of the mech. The back of the blade as well as the end of the axe are equipped with boosters designed to propel swings against heavily armored targets for a chance at causing more damage, as well as adding to the Paladin-class mech’s inherent mobility. Systems Package: No Upgrades Available AI: Yes AI name: Eckerd AI personality: While originally designed to be a snappy and sarcastic unit, after Ciell’s incident two years prior, Eckerd’s core personality was overwritten. Now the AI serves the same managerial purposes, minus any and all emotion. As such, the AI/Pilot mental mesh turns Ciell’s mind into a veritable machine, capable of analyzing both the minute systems of her mech as well as the battlefield in perfect synchronization. [/hider]