[center][h2]Herja Rikisdatter[/h2][/center] [b]Cowfallow Bridge[/b] Herja had been stuck working on her master's fields for the last few hours. When the orcs came and attacked the village he was still stuck in there. His daughter had ordered Herja to save him. All in all she didn't really care for her master. He wasnt the worst one she ever had but that's not saying much. No, the actual reason why she came here is because her Norisi blood demanded her to. This was her first chance in over nine years to finally serve her god again. Kharneth would not be satisfied if she left here without shedding blood. It seemed many farmhands had already taken up arms against the greenskin invaders. A decent number of orcs laid dead on the bridge but the farmhand bodies were far more numerous. Herja aproached the defensive "line" from behind, her bare feet already completely covered in blood and filth. The orcs appeared to be regrouping at the other side of the bridge. They probably never expected to have issues dealing with the peasant rabble. A confined space does wonders to someone's combat abilities. This advantage was quickly lost however, as some of the farmhands charged off of the bridge straight into the orc line. As they were hacked to pieces some of the people seemed to lose hope. Precisely at this time someone uttered a rallying cry. [b]"Chase them down. If they see us halt our attack, it'll steel them. We don't want them to be steeled."[/b] It seemed to work. Several more joined the fray and it seemed like the orcs had enough of acting organised. [b]"Come on boys! We can't let those puny hummies beat us!"[/b] a big orc uttered before he charged out of his line and mowed down two unfortunate individuals with his sword in one swing. Herja grinned at the sight of the ugly greenskin. This was going to be her target. A worthy sacrifice to Kharneth. The bridge was slowly starting to be less clustered as more men joined the fighting in the streets. Herja pushed a young boy out of her way in her hurry to get to the large orc. No one was gonna steal this one from her. The orc hadnt been sitting idly while she made her way to him. His blade had gotten stuck as he had swung it at a smaller man. The orc kicked the man in his face and by the time he got back up the orc had released his sword and cleaved the man in two. In the corner of his eyes he saw someone aproaching him. A grin started to form on its piglike face at the sight of Herja. He raised his blade close to his face and yelled, [b]"Ooh, a female human is coming at me now?"[/b] It chuckled in a dark manner before continuing. [b]"Well, I guess I'll go gentle and skin you slowly."[/b] It chuckled again. [b]"Or maybe I'll just finish you quickly and be done with it!"[/b] Human... Human?! Did that greenskin just call her a human?! Well, if it was expecting to fight a human then it would be sorely disappointed. The orc charged at her with the savagery fitting of a beast and a roar which could have deafened people standing around him. It tried to finish the fight quickly by attempting to cleave Herja in two just like what he did to that other man. However, that was not how it would be. As the beast raised it's intimidating weapon above its head and was ready to bring it down on Herja he was suddenly stopped. Confused the greenskin looked at his target, trying to understand what was happening. Herja had actually grabbed his wrists and was now stopping the orc from lowering his weapon on her. The orc bellowed in anger at her as it was pushing and pulling to find a way to get out. Herja grinned at the orc as it was trying to free itself from her grip. She slowly started to tighten the grip and as she did she could feel the orc's bones slowly giving way to then finally snap. The orc yelled in pain but Herja was not done yet, there was still that big sword hanging above her. She now applied more presure and forced the orc on it's knees. The sword now fell behind the orc and Herja no longer had any risk from this one orc. It looked up at her with its piglike eyes. She could see the realization. What it had concieved as an easy kill appeared to be its undoing. It amused her. However, it was time to finish this little thing they had going on. So as the orc was knelt before her she lifted its arms up to the point where they were stretched to their extreme. She then gave a strong kick against the orc's nose. When she retracted her leg the orc's head was bend backwards in an unnatural angle. [i]Eh, I had expected more from him.[/i] she thought to herself. She had no time to admire her fresh kill however as more fighting was going on and that meant more orcs to kill! Herja saw the orc's weapon laying on the ground. It wasn't fancy looking or anything. It was a [url=http://i.stack.imgur.com/Q1jOi.jpg]broad single edged sword with some sort of hook at the opposite side[/url]. It seemed like a weapon ideal for cleaving into meaty opponents who werent very well armoured. Ideal for the orcs who were rampaging across town. Herja picked up the blade and was suprised at the weight of it, not that she had any problem with lifting it up though. She looked at the orc again one last time, then back at her blade. [i]Well, Kharneth demands blood...[/i] she thought as she raised the blade over her head and brought it down with an incredible amount of force, splitting the orc in two. [i]I guess this will do for now.[/i] she thought with a smirk. Two orcs popped up in the corner of her eye. They had broken through and were about to charge in on some of the unlucky farmhands. Herja had no time to warn them so she did the only thing she could do in this situation: She charged at the two beasts herself, bellowing out a fierce battlecry which rivaled that of the fierce greenskins. [i]Now, if only those blasted farmhands dont get in my way...[/i]