[hider=Ginger Kollie - Hawkstar] [B]Picture:[/B] [CENTER][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ilOZL-Ws7pU/ULvGpB48sEI/AAAAAAAAA3A/KT3OsV2-yrk/s1600/big-maine-coon-cats-3.jpg [/img][/CENTER] [B][U]Details[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Hawkstar [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 81 Moons [B]Rank Wanted:[/B] Leader [B]Rank Received:[/B] Leader [B][U]Appearance[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] The first thing that you’d notice about Hawkstar is his huge frame which tends to have a dwarfing effect on those around him. He has, without his fur, got quite a large build but once you add on the fact that his pelt is full, thick and long, many would mistake him for a bear. Well, a rather small bear that is. He has a yellowish-brown mane with the rest of his pelt being more of a dark tabby. His eyes are a sharp green which just seems to cut through others like a knife. In his day, his pelt would’ve been kept and well-groomed, but after years of accumulating scars this way and that, he tends to pull off a more of a ‘rugged’ kind of look. He does look after himself, don’t get me wrong, he knows as a Leader he must represent himself well for his clan, he is just a lot more battle worn now then when he was younger, and it shows. Him being so large is a good advantage during a battle, something he prides himself for, but it tends to be a disadvantage when it comes to hunting. He’s never been amazing at hunting, and he’ll openly admit that even when he was an Apprentice, his prey could always see him coming half a mile off. A past scrap with ShadowClan has left him with severe injuries to his back legs. His gait is far from straight and walks with his right leg faintly dragging across the ground. But even with his injures, he is a fierce fighter and will battle to the bitter end regardless. The injuries to his legs are painfully obvious since the fur that was once there never grew back, leaving them looking patchy and raw. [B]Pelt Colour:[/B] Dark tabby, with a yellowish-brown mane. [B]Body Type:[/B] Large frame. [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Sharp green. [B][U]Personality[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] Even though his large frame initially intimates others, when they get to know him, they’ll find that Hawkstar is really just a gentle giant. A gentle giant to those he cares about, anyway, since that is definitely not true when it comes to those who threaten his clan. He has a strong sense of ‘gut instinct’, and knows exactly when to act and when to settle matters with a different approach. Being fair and merciful are both traits which he is known for by his clan, but never has he ever shied away from punishing those who, in his eyes, deserve punishment. Hawkstar hides his emotions well and it takes a lot to see him nerved or stressed, remaining cool-headed even at the most heated of times. Although, he never used to be that way and it’s taken years upon years of learning the art of control from elders and other warriors alike. For those who remember how he was as an apprentice (or have heard the rumours passed down) they’ll know that he was quite the trouble maker. Never listening to instructions and running head first into fights. Nobody would have thought he’d turn out how he has today, but with age and experience comes wisdom, something he wishes to pass on to the next generation. Hawkstar is extremely loyal to his Clan and strives to ensure the safety of every cat within it. Even though his leg injuries are painful and have a major impact on how he moves, he has never let that come in the way of protecting his clan. At times, senior members of the clan have had to bring him back to earth when he pushes himself too far. Due to this, he has a good relationship with the clan’s Medicine Cat who seems to safeguard his injured legs more then he does himself. [B]Likes:[/B] Honesty, His Clan being safe, Fresh-Kill [B]Dislikes:[/B] Death from his Clan, Unruly Cats, Disobedience [B]Wants:[/B] To share his wisdom to the younger generation, To always ensure the lives of every cat in his Clan [B]Fears:[/B] Destruction of his Clan [B]Strengths:[/B] Fighting, Leading [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Hunting, Running [B][U]History[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] Hawkstar was born and raised in ThunderClan and was the offspring of the Deputy at the time. His father was a strict disciplinarian and enforced many rules upon Hawkstar and his siblings in the hopes that one day, they’d all grow up as good, loyal protectors of the clan. Although his siblings grew used to their fathers high orders, it didn’t sit well with Hawkstar from the get go. As a kit, he’d ignore the rules of the camp and would leave to explore the forest on his own. Needless to say, he was the cause of many rescue missions which drained the time and resources of the warriors. His father, having become the Leader of the Clan, noted his son’s reckless behaviour and when he came of age, mentored the Apprentice himself. This, though, only proved to add fuel to the fire as Hawkstar went completely off the rails and really put his clan in danger with his troubled behaviour. He hated authority and would let it be known that he didn’t need advice from anyone. This attitude got him nothing but injury time and time again when his cocky notions led to him getting on the wrong side of sharpened claws far too many times. Hawkstar’s behaviour took a turn when he finally came to conclusion that the lives of his clan greatly outweighed his own. He found this out the same way he received his name; Hawk-star. One evening in leaf-bare, a Hawk had swooped down in an effort to swipe one of the kits who was with their mother outside of camp. Hawkstar had jumped in front and fended away the Hawk just long enough for the other warriors to also get involved. Obviously the Hawk flew off, a whole herd of cats was very different from one small kit. He was then awarded his name for his bravery when he became a full fledged warrior. After the event, he realised that the rush he got from protecting his clan member was completely different from the rush he got from getting into a brawl with random ShadowClan cats. He consequently re-thought his priorities and started talking to the elders of the clan, seeking their wisdom. [B]Crush:[/B] None [B]Mate:[/B] None [B]Kits:[/B] None [B]Kins:[/B] All kin have died. [B]Other:[/B] Nope [/hider] [hider=Ginger Kollie - Gingerflame] [B]Picture:[/B][img] http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M1a7f5382ea69e3479a8aa11f2ea7d411o0&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0 [/img] [B][U]Details[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Gingerflame [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 42 Moons [B]Rank Wanted:[/B] Queen [B]Rank Received:[/B] Queen [B][U]Appearance[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] Gingerflame, as her name in-tells, has a thick ginger pelt with dark brown markings on her face. Her tail is light and bushy, using it readily to keep her balance when she’s hunting her prey. Although, due to her bright coloured pelt, she’s put at a disadvantage when hunting since she’s very noticeable even when crouched down. But , with her stubborn streak built in, she doesn’t let that stop her from being an efficient hunter, she’s just had to learn different ways of solving this problem. She has large paws with claws that she likes to keep sharpened at all times, you know, just in case. Fighting is her domain and thus has lead to her getting quite a few scars over her time protecting the clan. Most of these, though, are hidden amongst her long fur with only the one’s on her legs and ears being noticeable. [B]Pelt Colour:[/B] Deep Ginger [B]Body Type:[/B] Strong Build [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Dark Green [B][U]Personality[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] Like a flame, this cat has one hell of a fiery attitude which burns stubbornly deep within her. Mess with it, and like a volcano, she’ll irrupt with brute force ready to wipe out everyone in sight. She is definitely a cat with a switch, one moment being her normal, calm and quiet self, but push her too far and she’ll flip into a different cat completely. This is her one major flaw; her blind rage being a force to be reckoned with. Her loyalty to her Clan is unwavering and thus has a very poor opinion of the cats from the other clans (having gone to battle with them numerous times). Although, saying this, she doesn’t see cats born outside of ThunderClan to be any different then clan-borns, since she only values cats who prove to be loyal and dedicated to ThunderClan, regardless of there origin. This is why she tends to be strict with Apprentices, they must first prove themselves worthy to be respected members of the clan and will openly tell them if they think otherwise. She is also a keen fighter and will happily attack viscously who challenge her, especially if they are a member of another clan. Now that she’s expecting kits, she finds it difficult not being able to (or allowed to) carry out her normal warrior duties. She feels that being a queen makes her weak and is extremely afraid of an attack on her clan and not being able to help. [B]Likes:[/B] Getting her own way, fighting [B]Dislikes:[/B] Trouble makers, threats to her clan [B]Wants:[/B] To make sure her clan is always safe [B]Fears:[/B] Ironic to her name, she is actually extremely afraid of fire. To the point where she would freeze if she saw it. She also fears the death of the ones she loves. Her own pain she can handle, but the pain of her loved ones is too much for her to bare. [B]Strengths:[/B] Fighting, protecting [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Her hot-temper, eagerness to fight [B][U]History[/U][/B] [B]Description:[/B] [B]Crush:[/B] She’s already got a mate. [B]Mate:[/B] Ravencoat. He is the father of her kits, and would throw herself in front of him to protect him any day. [B]Kits:[/B] Shadowpaw (son), Silentpaw (son) Whitefoot (daughter), Paddletail (daughter), Windclaw (son) and expecting more. [B]Kins:[/B] None [B]Other:[/B] Nope [/hider]