Location: The Twin Cities of Hulton and Kyrad on Kyrad Island(I'm assuming this is a fictional setting.) Name: The Republic of Kyrad Government: Currently an official government is in place with Presidents elected every year, with no term limit. Population: about 700 in each city, so a total population of around 1400 Agriculture: Water is not hard to get on an island, and can easily be purified. Farming, though, was not big on the small island. Hulton contained more farms than Kyrad, but until a large amount of farms are set up all around the island food is brought in mainly by ferry. A squad will sail to the mainland and steal food from abandoned farms or stores. Army: Kyrad (The colony not city) has only a small militia (Around 200 men) for riot control, although the majority of the population are former gang members and the entire population could be mobilized if someone was invading. Firepower: The militia has rifles and little armor. Grenades are also standard, although in low supply. Most civilians do own handguns, though, also because of their gang member background. Technology: There were 2 solar plants before the war, one inoperable now. The residents have managed to hook up the remaining plant to a makeshift power grid that is mostly unstable. On cloudy days, electricity might cut out at around 1:00 AM until the sun rises again. Internet is not like we know, theirs is more of a local internet. Only people who live on the island can use it. Transportation: Because of the urbanization of the Kyrad island, cars mostly were shipped out a while ago, people being content to walk places or take a 5 min bike ride to the other city. Other supplies: Ammo is scarce now, the only new ammo coming in the nightly ferries that also bring food. But the thing that makes Kyrad special is that it was a large navy port with many military ships before the war. While gas may be expensive (Having to trade to get it from other colonies) Kyrad has managed to form a makeshift blockade along the coast, taking a tax if anyone from the rest of the world tries to get in, or if someone tries to get out. Lifestyle: The best way to describe the life of a Kyrader: Thug-Life. The people left in the cities are mean to outsiders and seem to use so much slang it seems like their own language. History of you colony: Riots were commonplace in the two cities before the war. Rival gang wars happened every other month. But as soon as the government collapsed, things got serious. Rival gang made peace and united to take over public utilities. Their goal: Independence. The Kyraders had developed their own culture compared to the mainland country. They practically had their own language. Their first target was the naval base. With no one guiding them, the Navy put up little fight against the large mob. They commandeered the Navy boats and formed a blockade around their own island first, so no reinforcements could arrive. Next they moved in and overthrew the local authority, installing an ad interim government for the time being. Eventually they evolved their political system to the current state. Unfortunately, after things had settled down on the island, some gangs split off from the government and started waging war to install themselves as a militaristic dictator. This is when the Militia was formed and a year long war was spent fighting it what was essentially a glorified gang war. This war was known as the 'Kyrad Civil War', splitting the island in two, the government taking the side of Kyrad, while the rebels took over Hulton. In the end, the government won. But the Kyrader's rebellious nature will not stay in check forever.