[centre][h3]Séamus Ruaidhrí Whelan[/h3] [img]http://melissamckenzie.com/uploads/2/7/0/6/2706787/4143854.jpg?378[/img][hr][hr][/centre] As Séamus was driving to Vanessa's beach house, he reached over to the passenger seat, where there was a bag that he had packed full of stuff he would need tonight. Stuff like a sleeping bag, a spare change of clothes, etc. He reached into the bottom of the bag where he had a sports drinks bottle (as to not let any police get suspicious) filled with Irish whiskey. He pulled the lid up with his teeth and drank some of it. Séamus let out a happy sigh as he tasted it, he hadn't had any good old Irish whiskey in a while, and he quite liked it. He thanked his luck that he was Irish, and had a high tolerance to alcohol - any normal person would risk getting a DUI if they did this, but it wouldn't affect Séamus's driving at all. After a few minutes of driving, he looked at his phone due to the new messages that he had received. He looked at them and then replied. [centre][color=007236]To: John Weed and alcohol! :D You'd better call Kenny Loggins, because we're going into the danger zone! Can't wait to see you! To: Everyone Don't worry, I won't drink it [i]all[/i] on the way to Nessa's. Just some. And good call on those air mattresses, although, with the way I usually drink, I'll probably just pass out on the floor somewhere lol.[/color][/centre] After about 20 minutes of driving, Séamus arrived at Vanessa's house. He parked as close to her house as he could, and noticed that the only cars there belonged to Vanessa and Dominic. He felt like seeing what they were up to, and got out the car quietly, not bothering to bring in the alcohol yet. Thankfully, the door was unlocked, which meant that Séamus could sneak in unnoticed. He walked through to the back garden, and noticed that they we're at the buffet. Séamus put his arm around Dominic, asking [color=007236]"How've you been?"[/color]