"Thanks." Rose replied to Harry. Just keep calm. Keep calm. Rose could keep calm right? She was just sitting in the Great Hall, now sorted into Gryffindor, smack dab in the middle of a random scene straight from a movie or book. The blond knew Umbridge would be dealt with later on and didn't think she would be who they were looking for. Rose had some kind of advantage at least, she already knew the ins and outs of the people around her. It was quite exciting, rather than plainly terrifying. Even so, she took a deep breath and decided it would be best to do some investigating on her own, rather than muck about with those she idolized and day dreamed about. At the mention of Harry and Hermione spending some time together, a grin crept up. "Oh yes, you two should definitely hang out, talk and stuff..." Rose said and then went back to eating. As Ron was on his third helping, she got up from her place at the long wooden table. "I'm going to go to bed I think, I'll see you lot in the morning at class." She smiled and headed off. "G'night." Hermione said and waved to the new girl. She then looked back to Ron and then to Harry. Something was unsettling, the bushy hair girl could sense it. But what exactly, she wasn't sure. Sure, that big blue box was weird but there was something else. Though rather than dwell on it, Hermione just finished her meal and when Harry seemed ready to go, she headed off with him. Several other students had decided to also turn in for the night or get started on any homework prior to going to bed. "It's all a little weird. I feel like something is up but I cannot put my finger on it." She mentioned to Harry as they headed towards their dormitory but then found an empty classroom to which she could talk to him without being interrupted. "What I really wanted to discuss was..." She glanced out the window. It was dark outside, even so, specks of white snow could be seen falling from the dark sky. Winter was descending upon the school. It felt like yesterday since they arrived back at school and were greeted with drastic and sinister changes. Hermione looked back to Harry and gave him a tender smile. "Ron and I have been thinking about how Defense Against the Dark Arts is being handled. It's absolute rubbish. No one here is going to stand a chance when danger comes for us, and it likely soon will." She said and fidgeted. A hand fell upon one of the dusty desks and she drummed her fingers. "Well, we were thinking about starting a club. A club where students could learn how to fight and defend themselves. Obviously we need to take the teaching into our hands. And well who better to lead us than someone who has the most experience?" The girl's smile widened a bit. This was surely a suggestion right out of left field. Here she was suggesting something that would break all of the rules being set by the nasty woman in pink. And it was a risk, someone could let their secret slip. But that risk was nothing compared to leaving the innocent unprepared. "Ron and I would help of course. I already have some ideas I've been mulling over." Truthfully she had a book locked away under her bed with ideas and notes regarding the club. If anyone knew her, they wouldn't be surprised though. Meanwhile, Rose had managed to get herself lost, despite reading all the books and seeing all eight films. "Great." She sighed and looked around. "What I wouldn't give for the Marauders Map right now..." She ran a hand through her messy hair and pulled it back into a loose bun. She had been told to get into her robes which would be provided to her by her new bed. Rose had a feeling the aged Headmaster knew she wasn't really a witch, but even so he seemed more than accommodating which was quite odd to her. Then again, she knew the man was busy trying to deal with Umbridge and all the other new conspiracies coming out in the Daily Prophet. So either he knew and didn't care or he knew what was going on entirely and was okay with it. She suspected the latter of the two and just continued to wander around the old castle. It was still sinking in that she, an ordinary girl, was now in a place of fantasy and magic. The blond turned to see she had somehow stumbled into a corridor where all the teacher's pictures were hanging. She found her way to the most current one and scanned for anyone out of place. Her dazzling blue eyes caught sight of man who she had never seen or heard of. He was the teacher of Charms. She looked at his name in the credits under the photo and saw he called himself John Smith. "Yeah, sure, that's not suspicious at all." She muttered sarcastically and smiled inwardly. "I think I may have to pay him a visit." She felt rather pleased that she had found a lead so soon. Before she could trot onwards and figure out where his classroom or office was, she found a large woman coming towards her. Rose's blood turned cold. "Professor Umbridge...g-good evening." She said and pressed her back against the wall. Sure, she had just been battling a plastic army but they had nothing on the terror nearing her. "You're violating dress code. What House are you?" She hummed with a thick lipstick smile. "Um Slytherin." She said, trying not to smirk. "I'll be docking fifteen points, now run along." Umbridge waved at Rose. The blond Londoner hurried past the woman and took the stairs down another level though made sure she wasn't somehow going down to the dungeons. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. That may have had something to do with the bewitched pictures and portraits around her. "Can one of you point me to the um...Charms Classroom?" She asked one of them. After getting directions, Rose headed back toward the Great Hall and then took a left and headed down several passageways until she reached what she supposed was her destination. The girl pushed open the door and saw no one was inside. Rose hoped the professor was still out eating or chatting, the longer he was gone, she could do some snooping. "I wish I had a wand." Well, even if she did, she wasn't sure if she'd even be able to use it. And there was no telling if she'd have one waiting for her when she got up to the dorms. All she could do was assume supplies would be provided and just focus on the task at hand, which wasn't quite legal, she supposed but she brushed that little bit aside and walked up to the desk. She moved around and tried to open the drawers but not surprisingly, they were locked. "Of course there'd be charms on them." She cringed and sat in the large seat and leaned back, thinking back to when Ron, Harry and Hermione had charms and had to levitate the feather. Laughing softly, her nerves lightened and she sat up and began to push papers around. Nothing was standing out to her and she wished the Doctor was around to give her hand. She had saved his life, the least he could do was not just abandon her in the middle of Hogwarts for god's sake. But she assumed he would take on the role of some professor and they'd meet up the following day. The last thing she needed was Umbridge or Snape taking notice to her and the Doctor's sudden appearance. Rose let out an annoyed sigh and was about ready to give up when she saw something shiny out of the corner of her eye. It would have helped if she knew what she was looking for. Time Lord trivia wasn't something the blond had a vast amount of. She picked up the small pocket watch and sat back in the chair. It seemed so simple, so plain and yet it had caught her eye. How come? It was then the lights suddenly came on and she ended up dropping the tiny item. "Bullocks." She hissed and crouched down and picked it up. When she got to her feet, she saw the professor in the doorway, looking puzzled. "Hi um. I'm new and thought I'd come here...cause Charms is one of my favorite subjects. Yeah. I just um transfered from uh Beauxbatons." She quickly made up. "I'm Rose Tyler." She saw no sense in trying to come up with a fake name though, that would just make her undercover even more complicated than it already was. "Sorry." She set the watch down and shuffled away from the desk and walked over to the tall man, trying not to seem as nervous as she really was. The more she studied him, the more she became suspicious. "I should just go though. Goodnight Professor." She then squeezed by him and hurried toward the Gryffindor dormitory a few floors up. As she walked along, she kept an eye out for the Doctor. As she rounded a corner she ran right into something. "Sorry!" She then realized it just happened to be the alien himself. "Doctor! I've been looking everywhere for you." She then saw he had robes and she gave him a bit of a look. Unfair. "I think I found a lead but I'm not sure yet." Before she could say anything more, Draco and his goonies appeared. Lovely. "Anyway I'll see you tomorrow." Was all Rose said before she gave the man a wave and hurried on her way. Hermione meanwhile, was still awaiting any ideas from her best friend. "I know it's a lot to think about." She knew his mind was still stuck on the events that happened in the graveyard and that he was still trying to talk to Sirius without alerting anyone. And he always had the burden of the nightmares which plagued him. And on top of that, he felt as thought Dumbledore was ignoring him whist Umbridge was ruling over the school with an iron fist. It seemed things for Harry were only worsening and Hermione wished she could help. For a moment, she did consider throwing the idea away, that he had too much to handle. But she found herself believing that this would be a nice outlet for him. He was still dealing with Cho Chang, who Hermione was friends with, all Hermione wanted to do was help carry some of the burden that weighed Harry down. And maybe if it meant co-planning a new secret club to combat the ignorance fueling the current teachings in class, so be it. "I think it could be fun." Of course it wasn't meant to be fun, per say. "I mean..." She sighed softly and walked closer to him. Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder. "You've been pulling away from us, having angry outbursts and I know you don't get much sleep." Ron had told her about it, but Harry's face also gave it away. "I'm just trying to help you and I know in your heart, you want to help others too." Hermione reminded him, her smile still gently present on her lips. Then she pulled him into a tight hug. "Think about it, alright?" She said quietly. A mass of students passed by the hall and she released him, as she knew it was time they completed their route to the dorms. "Come on." She said and headed out of the classroom and waited for him. Once he caught up with her, they continued to the dorm. After the correct password was given, they headed into the cozy common room. "I remember spending long nights doing homework during our first year." She laughed to Harry. Those were the days, weren't they? Or were the ones they had now, better? "Good night." She waved to him and hurried up the stairs and turned into the girl's dorm.