Erion looked around the stable, seeing that the wyvern was no longer there. He sighed and looked around, feeling a bit more alone in there. Where the heck was the human that helped him last time... did he actually get to ride that wyvern and was up in the sky now... or was it more... gruesome... He shakes his head before starting to investigate the stable a bit more, and then looking at the chocobo's all around. Then the red one caught his eye. He started to move towards it's pen, careful. "There there... I won't hurt you..." he says before opening the pen big enough to make him enter it, and closing it behind him. He then move towards the bird and started to slowly groom it, trying to calm it down. Maybe it will let him ride it. Boco did need some rest right now, and he needed probably to get some work to do in town to help out. Another chocobo to use while his friend was resting would be great, he just hoped that it would not attack him or get mad. He was close enough to the door to move out of the pen and move away if things did go haywire. If the beast didn't want him to ride him but still wanted to be groomed, he could continue that for a bit. [hr] Attempt to find clues about the wyvern: LCK 10 Attempt to tame the red chocobo enough to ride: LCK 10 (If fail, attempt to at least calm it down to not get attacked)