A metal clanking followed by heavy footsteps could be heard behind the two medics rushing into the hanger, standing well above the rest of the people in the room was a man, or rather, a vampire in a full powersuit save for the arms modeled after knight armor of medieval times. No one had called for him, so he simply didn't come until he felt like it. Or rather, until he heard mention of a Tier 1 problem over his comms. He chuckled lowly to himself, the sound echoing through the hangar, if only they had've called him in the intruder wouldn't have made it out..in one piece. A low voice sounded over the comms mockingly "We get a boo-boo did we?" He continued "Should've called me, he wouldn't have escaped. Shame.. Now..what is this Tier 1 problem I heard ever so much about? Please say it involves killing..I am rather hungry.."