As Heloise gave Xerox the blade, he nodded, understanding what she wanted, the weight, the size, etc. The shape of the blade was quite unique, it was better not to copy it for this mission, as it would lead to a chance of linking back to them. [color=aqua]"Got it"[/color] he replied, giving the blade back to Heloise. Moving to get some space, he opened up his [b]ESS[/b] letting some scraps of different metal and parts of machines, a toolbox and other tools drop on the floor. The knife looked like an ordinary knife, with a slightly larger handle. It had the same length and weight as the blade Heloise gave to Xerox. It was already been pumped with some paramagic [b]Dispel[/b] and ready for use. Before it was time for the mission, Xerox met up with Heloise and gave her the knife. [color=aqua]"Made it as simple as possible, you couldn't possible get attached so something this plain looking right?"[/color] he gave a small chuckle before continuing, [color=aqua]"Due to time constraints, I had to leave it similar to the design of Duncan's rifle. It's already got [b]Dispel[/b] set and ready, you just need to activate it through this button here before you throw it."[/color] Xerox explained, seeing Heloise nod and walk away, ready for the mission. [hr] Xerox was feeling a little uncomfortable, since he was without his lab coat, but for the mission, he had to look like a civilian. He had taken his glasses off, and put them into his [b]ESS[/b] and wore very ordinary clothes. A light blue t-shirt, jeans and runners. Rue on the other hand, would stand out, but that was part of the point. The moomba was serving as a distraction, as Xerox walked passed some people distracted by the moomba, sneaking in some hallucinogenic gas into their pockets. Rue waited for a signal from Xerox, before getting out of the streets, away from the crowds. He hid in an alleyway, away from everyone else. Checking he wasn't followed, Rue climbed to the position where he would standby, in clear view for Duncan to see that Xerox had the gas ready. The crowd that had formed around Rue had spread out now, being in different areas to view the parade. As Duncan called out for the operation to start, Xerox pressed the button, releasing the hallucinogenic gas among the masses. He made sure to stay away from the people who had the gas on them, and the gas would only affect people within a meter of the person with the gas.