[@Dcatanzaro682] [color=7bcdc8]"Someone spit in your sandwich?"[/color] Felice finished off the apple and pulled some kind of cheese and meat wrap out of a container in his bag, hoping to finish it quickly since it seemed that the bell was ringing for the next class. He honestly felt a little surprised that she still returned, about as surprised as he was to realize that he had kind of been expecting it. It wasn't even the end of the first day and he was already breaking promises. [i]It's going to bite me in the backside later. I know it.[/i] More important at the moment, however, seemed to be the fact that he could probably roast a marshmallow on that aura. Figuratively, of course; he didn't think she could actually make it tangible. Not yet, anyway. [color=7bcdc8]"Yer stealing my disapproval act here."[/color]