Luke stood at the side of the ship and couldn't take his eyes off the ocean water beneath him, he kept envisioning the boy. They could've been friends in another life. Luke never had any, being cooped up in house Du Sand most of his life save for the little events here and there, the family was obligated to attend, and most other noble families were so strict the children would never think to speak at them. Living as a street urchin didn't make things easier, no one wants to talk to the dirty little thief, and the baker family had no children of their own. He wished he could've spent more time, or anytime at all with deceased. As his mind drifted from the imaginary to reality, Luke's mind became all a flutter with thoughts of dragons. He had always dreamt of what it would feel like to fly through the air with the with the wind in his hair, riding on the back of a dragon. Turned out that dragons were more destructive and vicious then he had imagined. He wondered how the Dragon might look. It must've been huge to destroy the city. He wondered if he decided to stay on this journey, when they did find the Dragon, would they even be able to damage it. He began to wonder weather or not he would continue the mission with the captain who's ship had been destroyed, without realizing he'd been climbing all the while. The net to the crows net was easy enough to get up, or at least he figured it must've been considering he made it all the way up obliviously. Luke looked out on the horizon and wished he could stay up this high, far above everyone else, he couldn't help but look down at all the people milling around. Crew members working to ready themselves for the coming pirates, and everyone else trying to deal with the coming threats on top of trying to cope with the idea that there is a beast out there who could tear down cities by itself. Luke was shocked at first, then he was lost in amazment. Luke covered his eyes with his palms and let out a shout that hurt his throat a bit and caused people below to spin around in search of the sound. "This is crazy. We've been out here only a couple days, and we're fighting mystical creatures, pirates, and on secret missions. Everyone who stepped onto the ship was cursed the moment they boarded." Luke spoke to himself. "How are we to defend these people. They can't defend themselves as we've seen." Luke felt his dagger on his outer thigh, and remembered the ping of his throwing dagger off the suit of armor, and now he thought of the pirates on their way. With his adrenaline pumping through his veins, Luke looked up and smiled at the cool blue sky. "It's sort of exciting isn't it. How could I leave knowing that I might fight a dragon. Maybe a baby dragon would consider me it's master." Luke lost himself in thoughts of dragons and magic that he couldn't feel the thickness of the air as people below continued to worry and mill around. Which generally how Luke dealt with worry. He stood in the crows nest and began to run cadences in preparation of the coming ambush. "Bring it on pirates, I'm ready for you." He thought out loud as he threw a small piece of wood that he carved off of the crows nest as if it was one of his flying daggers and it sailed out of view as Luke continued drills with his dagger.